Shock as John Setka resigns as head of the CFMEU over allegations of misconduct in the organisation

Controversial CFMEU boss John Setka has resigned following a series of allegations of misconduct within the organisation.

The union announced the decision just before the publication of the first part of a months-long investigation by The Age and Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes.

According to the CFMEU, the decision was taken following “continuous and persistent stories with multiple allegations, whether true or not, about this great union”.

Setka said he has proudly served the union as a director for nearly 40 years and as secretary for the past 12 years.

“These stories have been constant, and while I have been the target of many of them, enough is enough. The continued false accusations continue to do nothing but damage the work that this great union does for its members,” he said.

“If my resignation can put an end to these vicious attacks on our members and leaders, and if this great union can continue to fight for our members, their wages and conditions, so they can go home safely to their families every day, then I will be happy.

‘To the members of the CFMEU, you have made me incredibly proud and it has been an honour and a privilege to be your secretary. For that I would like to thank you.’

Controversial CFMEU boss John Setka (pictured in October 2019) has resigned following a series of allegations of misconduct within the organisation

Setka said he would leave the union in the capable hands of the national office and the Victoria branch board.

More to come.