John Legend goes scorched earth on Trump and reveals why he thinks the former president is a ‘tried and true, dyed-in-the-wool racist’

Singer and activist John Legend continued his long-running feud with former President Donald Trump, calling him a “tried and tested racist” in an interview on Sunday.

The 45-year-old legend and his wife, model and author Chrissy Teigen, have long professed their disdain for Trump, with the ex-commander in chief even cutting back once.

In a conversation with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, the “All of You” singer continued his oft-repeated claims that Trump harbors racial bias when asked about Trump’s complaints about the U.S. justice system.

“He has made it clear all his life that black people are inferior, he believes that to his core, to his very bones… but also when you hear some of the stray comments he makes, he clearly believes in a genetic hierarchy of humanity and is racially biased, so he’s a proven, dyed-in-the-wool racist,” the legend goes.

Legend has it that this will negate any advantage the black community has had under Trump’s administration.

Singer and activist John Legend continued his long-running feud with former President Donald Trump, calling him a “tried and tested racist” in an interview on Sunday

“I don’t want to hear what he says about what he’s done for black people,” Legend said. “He has done very little for us and at his core he is truly a racist.”

Discussing his efforts to push for criminal justice reforms, Legend said that in a sense, Trump is right when he says the justice system is unfair.

‘There is a two-tiered legal system, but not in the way he thinks. He is the beneficiary, absolutely… the fact that he is out in the world, that is not normal for a lot of people.”

“He’s been getting away with a lot for a long time, he’s been a fraudster for a long time, he’s been defrauding people for a long time, he’s been lying for a long time and he’s been a litigator for a long time,” he added. .

Legend – born John Roger Stephens – has been speaking out against Trump since he ran for public office.

His belief that Trump is a racist dates back to at least 2016, when he feuded with Trump’s son Don Jr., with whom the singer was classmates at the University of Pennsylvania.

The singer even said he ended his friendship with rapper Ye – formerly Kanye West – because of his support for the ex-president.

The legend even went so far as to once call Trump “a flaming racist.” He’s a piece of shit**.”

The legend and his wife, model and author Chrissy Teigen, have long professed their disdain for Trump, with the ex-commander in chief even cutting back once

“I don’t want to hear what he says about what he’s done for black people,” Legend said of Trump. ‘He has done very little for us and is a real racist at his core’

He and his wife Teigen were among many celebrities who vowed to leave America if Trump won in 2020.

Perhaps most bizarrely, the couple’s feud with Trump ended up in the “Twitter Files,” a series of revelations about liberal bias on the social media platform now known as X.

Trump had referenced the model in his own 2019 tweet, tagging her husband, musician John Legend, and referring to his “filthy wife.” That prompted Teigen to respond online: ‘lol what ap**** a** b****’ – in one response, the official said the White House wanted to be removed.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) referenced notes of a conversation with counsel for Twitter whistleblower Anika Collier Navaroli, saying that, according to the witness, the White House contacted its Twitter office almost immediately “to demand that the tweet be removed.”

“My supervisors let us know that we had received something,” she testified about her work on Twitter’s security policy team.

“I remember hearing that we had received a request from the White House for us to evaluate this tweet and they wanted it to come out because it was a derogatory statement against the president,” testified she.

Then Connolly stopped. “I thought that was an inappropriate action by any government official, let alone the White House. But it wasn’t Joe Biden over his son’s laptop. It was Donald Trump because he didn’t like what Chrissy Teigen had to say about him, correct?’

Legend and wife Chrissy Teigen were among many celebrities who vowed to leave America if Trump won in 2020. They are pictured here at the 2011 Comedy Central Roast of Trump

A Twitter “whistleblower” testified that the White House tried to have the company remove a 2019 tweet from Chrissy Teigen that called then-President Donald Trump a “p**** a** b****.” It came during a hearing called to highlight the suppression of a report on Hunter Biden’s laptop

Yes, that’s right,” she replied. “My, my, my,” Connolly concluded.

Another lawmaker, Florida Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost, managed to get Teigen’s precise tweet into the congressional record.

“Do you want me to give the direct quote?” the witness asked him, prompting him to say he would.

‘Excuse my language, this is a direct quote, but Chrissy Teigen called Donald Trump a ‘p**** a** b****.’

“Okay, free speech,” Frost replied.

Teigen responded to a clip of the exchange on the platform on Tuesday, writing, “I…oh my god.”

She also posted a video on her Instagram account. “I don’t know how to move on from this,” she wrote.

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