John Kerry is accused of farting during climate speech where he asked for coal power plants to be eliminated

Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate John Kerry is accused of breaking wind during one of his patented rants about climate change, delivered in Dubai after traveling to the emirate on a gas-guzzling plane.

Kerry, 79, was busy telling the audience on Sunday that “the climate crisis and the health crisis are one and the same,” as he brought up a study that says coal “doubles the number of deaths” compared to other types of pollution. when he delivered something that sounded like a bottom burp.

“There should be no more coal-fired power stations allowed anywhere in the world,” Kerry added, saying he has become increasingly “militant” on the issue in his old age.

His comments were met with applause from the crowd, which apparently muffled the fart sound, but it was picked up by the microphones and heard clearly during the broadcast.

Kerry spoke in his role as the Biden administration's climate envoy at the UN climate conference in Dubai.

Kerry was sitting between Becky Anderson, editor-in-chief of CNN Abu Dhabi, and Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, when the incident occurred.

Kerry was sitting between Becky Anderson, editor-in-chief of CNN Abu Dhabi, and Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, when the incident occurred.

Anderson could be seen putting her hand over her mouth, close to her nose, after the sound was heard

Anderson could be seen putting her hand over her mouth, close to her nose, after the sound was heard

After the sound is heard, the person sitting next to Kerry, CNN Abu Dhabi's Becky Anderson, clearly puts her hand over her mouth.

Far-right activist Laura Loomer joked about X: “The woman next to him looks like she wants to choke on his toxic gas emissions.”

Right-wing radio host Larry O'Connor of Townhall Media said this the New York Post that he was outraged by Kerry's apparent flatulence.

“The biggest problem is that during this whole discussion, representing us, the United States of America, he pulled out a fart.”

'He let loose on an international stage with flatulence. He should lose his job immediately. John Kerry farted,” O'Connor said.

Kerry also announced that the US would join the Powering Past Coal Alliance, which means the administration is committed to not building new coal-fired power stations and phasing out existing ones.

It is in line with other regulatory actions by Biden and international commitments that meant there would be no more coal by 2035.

Earlier Saturday, US climate envoy John Kerry joined French President Emmanuel Macron in pushing for the development of nuclear power, which does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, even though it also poses safety and waste problems.

During his stay in Dubai, Kerry met with his Chinese counterpart, Xie Zhenhua, to discuss the coal issue. The US and the communist country are the two largest coal emitters in the world.

Kerry has long been criticized for his use of planes when he travels the world to lecture on the dangers of climate change.

In July, Senator Joni Ernst told during an exclusive interview that it is a “sign of complete hypocrisy” to have the Biden administration's climate czar, John Kerry, “fly around the world in a plane.”

Ernst, R-Iowa, said Kerry's travels violate “all kinds of fossil fuels, flames and emissions,” for which he criticized everyone else.

'So I think the climate czar should stay home and focus on his green energy policies.

“So instead of demonizing fossil fuels, we should focus more on pushing back against China,” which poses a huge threat to the US, Ernst continued.

At a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee in June, Kerry defended himself by saying it was an “outrageously persistent lie” that he ever used a private jet for official travel.

Kerry, who during the hearing did not deny ever having flown on a private jet and has said he has flown on a private jet “possibly once,” insisted he has never personally owned a private jet.

'We don't have a private jet. I don't have a private jet. Personally, I've never had a private jet.'

However, the Kerry family owned a personal aircraft – a Gulfstream GIV-SP – which was sold in 2022.