John Howard doubles down on controversial remarks claiming he’s ‘always had doubts about multiculturalism’ in Australia

  • Howard echoes the skepticism of multiculturalism
  • Says he’s never convinced
  • Appearing at conservative ARC event
  • READ MORE: Multiculturalism ‘doubts’

Former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard has renewed his skepticism about multiculturalism, saying he always had “problems” with the concept.

The 84-year-old, who was prime minister from 1996 to 2007, made the comments at a London conference for political conservatives after previously telling the right-wing GB News channel that he had doubts about multiculturalism.

Speaking at an Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) forum, Mr Howard said multiculturalism “creates disparities” and risks segregating people based on racial or ethnic backgrounds.

‘Multiculturalism is a concept that I have always had difficulty with. I believe that if people want to immigrate to a country, they adopt the values ​​and practices of that country,” Howard said.

“And in return, they have the right to have host citizens respect their culture, without trying to create some kind of federation of tribes and culture – that’s going to get you into terrible trouble.”

Former coalition Prime Minister John Howard has continued to express doubts about multiculturalism

Mr Howard said when he spoke to people at local events ‘particularly in the bush’ he was often told ‘we came to this beautiful country because you were free, you were kind, you were generous’.

“And – isn’t that wonderful?” he reflected.

“Do you really need to redefine that relationship?”

“I think one of the problems with multiculturalism is that we try too hard to internalize differences, rather than celebrating what we have (in common).”

Mr Howard added to his comments when speaking to GB News.

‘We don’t want separation based on race or background. We want natural acceptance,” he said.

‘And this is a problem that Americans are facing.

“I remember reading a book… and it said that for years after the Civil War, a ‘melting pot’ philosophy was practiced.

‘But recently they started talking a lot more about the different tribes.

“And that was a mistake in America and that was a mistake here.”

Mr Howard said multiculturalism emphasizes differences rather than what people have in common

On Tuesday, Mr Howard was asked by GB News presenter Camilla Tominey whether he agreed with British Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s claim that multiculturalism has “failed” in the Western world.

“I have my doubts about multiculturalism,” Mr. Howard said.

“I believe that when you migrate to another country, you should, as far as is reasonable, be expected to absorb the mainstream culture of that country.”

“Of course, keep your affection for Greece or Italy or wherever you come from.”

Mr Howard then reflected on how Australia had been “very successful” in immigration.

He recalled meeting people who had emigrated from European countries in the past and, more recently, from places like China and India.

“It (immigration to Australia) works well in large part, I think, because people are attracted to the basic (and) mainstream culture of Australia, which is open and tolerant, but also proud of what our country has achieved,” he said .

“I think if we put more emphasis on what our nation has achieved, on what the Western world has achieved, and be less apologetic and less inclined to say, ‘We’re all to blame,’ the better it would be for us.” are.’

Mr. Howard warned against splitting people into different tribes along racial and ethnic lines

Tominey raised the topic of multiculturalism after speaking about the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Britain and Australia.

She asked Mr Howard about the protest earlier this month outside Sydney’s Opera House, where some attendees chanted “gas the Jews” and other anti-Semitic comments.

Mr Howard branded the demonstration ‘shameful’.

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