John Fetterman mocks Republicans ‘losing their minds’ over him ‘dressing like a slob’: Hoodie-wearing Democrat hits back over dropping dress code – as GOP senator, 70, jokes she’ll, start wearing a ‘bikini’

John Fetterman scoffs at his blame for the Senate’s new dress code, mocking that Republicans are “losing their minds” over it.

“I don’t know why the right seems to be losing their minds over this,” the Democratic senator from Pennsylvania told Fox News.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer decided to no longer impose a formal “professional” dress code on Senate members, which many saw as a concession to Fetterman, 54, who is often seen wearing shorts and a hoodie.

“I think it’s a good thing, but I’m going to use it sparingly,” Fetterman said. “I hope other colleagues will also benefit from it.”

But some senators scoffed at the idea with Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine saying, “I plan to wear a bikini tomorrow in the Senate.” »

“I don’t know why the right seems to be losing their minds over this,” Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania said of Republican criticism of the Senate’s new dress code.

Although there is no formal dress code, men must wear a jacket and tie and women wear business attire. While in the Senate, the bills are visible to television cameras that broadcast Senate proceedings online and on C-SPAN.

Previously, if a senator did not wear clothing that met the requirements, they had to shout “Yes” or “No” from the chamber door so they would not be visible to cameras.

When Fetterman arrived at the Senate floor Monday evening, dressed casually, he still voted from the door, where cameras couldn’t capture him. “Baby steps,” he told reporters as he boarded the elevator to return to his office.

And some senators took advantage of the new rule on Monday, when they returned to Washington DC for a vote on the Senate floor that evening.

Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar – visiting from Minnesota – and Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski – visiting from Alaska – wore black pants, running shoes and casual shirts.

“I wouldn’t normally wear this on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday,” Murkowski told reporters. “I mean, it’s a matter of respect, it’s like going to church in jeans, or going to a funeral in jeans.”

“I’m not so addicted that I think every day a man has to wear a tie,” she added.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat, opted not to appear Monday night, noting that in the past he would have been reprimanded by the Sergeant at Arms’ staff.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine mocked the new dress code, saying, “I plan to wear a bikini tomorrow in the Senate.”

Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota took advantage of the new dress code to wear black pants, running shoes and a casual jacket; she speaks to Senator Mitt Romney on the Senate floor Monday evening

Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski – visiting from Alaska – wore black pants, running shoes and a pink sports shirt during Monday night’s votes.

But other senators said they would stick to formal attire, even if it meant going without some of their favorite accessories.

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who wears a bright green John Deere baseball cap at his home in Iowa, said he would not wear one in the Senate.

“What has been suggested is wrong, it is unprecedented, and if you can’t count on the Majority Leader of the United States Senate to uphold the decorum of the United States Senate, who can you call on? did he declare.

Not all Republicans were unhappy with this change.

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley wore jeans, boots and no tie Monday night, an outfit he says he usually wears when he arrives from his home state for the first votes of the week.

“Now I can vote from the Senate on Monday,” Hawley said, noting that he usually wears a suit and tie every other day.

But it was Fetterman who took over the new way of dressing. Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene criticized him on social media: “The Senate no longer enforcing a dress code on senators to appease Fetterman is shameful.

“The dress code is one of the norms of society that determines the etiquette and respect of our institutions. Stop lowering the bar! »

Fetterman joked to CNN that the criticism was “devastating.”

“It’s mystifying. I mean, there are some much bigger types of issues that we should be addressing. Instead of saying, what if I dress like a bum,” he said.

Fetterman, who won Pennsylvania’s Senate seat last year, giving Democrats a 51-49 majority in the upper chamber, unabashedly wears shorts while performing his duties.

The senator has faced a number of health issues, including being hospitalized for dizziness and clinical depression earlier this year. He reportedly still suffers from auditory processing issues stemming from a stroke he suffered in May 2022.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer cconfirmed Sunday that he had ordered the Senate sergeant-at-arms to stop enforcing the dress code for senators.

He did not mention Fetterman in his statement about the dress code, which will apply only to senators and not staff.

This change was humorously dubbed the “Fetterman Rule” due to Fetterman’s preference for a much more casual wardrobe.

Schumer later clarified in a statement that senators can now choose their attire in the Senate, although he said he personally intends to continue wearing a suit.

“An informal dress code was enforced,” Schumer said in a statement. “Senators can choose what they wear in the Senate. I will continue to wear a suit.

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who wears a bright green John Deere baseball cap at home, said he would never wear it in the Senate.

Sen. John Fetterman, seen above in May, wore a suit and tie to the Senate

“Senators can choose what they wear in the Senate. I will continue to wear a suit,” Senator Chuck Schumer said in a statement.

However, there was also outrage from some other lawmakers in the chamber

Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall said, “It’s a ‘sad day in the Senate’ and the people represented by Fetterman and Schumer should be embarrassed.”

“I represent the people of Kansas, and just like when I dress to go to a wedding, it’s to honor the bride and groom, you go to a funeral, you dress to honor the family of the deceased,” Marshall said. Senators should have a certain level of decorum, he added.

It’s unclear whether the rules for more formal attire were actually written anywhere, but Schumer’s directive means staff will no longer berate senators for their clothing choice or ask them to vote from the door.

“I think we should all want to be more comfortable,” Fetterman told a group of reporters Monday. “And now we have this option, and if people prefer to wear a suit, then that’s great.”

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