Joe Biden uses cheat sheet during White House meeting with Taoiseach, telling him how to pronounce Irish leader’s name and title

President Joe Biden brandished a note card complete with a pronunciation guide Friday, even on a topic close to his heart: a St. Patrick’s Day meeting with Ireland’s prime minister, dubbed the “Taoiseach.”

Biden, who has been criticized in the past for his use of note cards, did not hide his cheat sheet during the televised greeting in the Oval Office.

“Taoiseach, welcome back to the Oval Office,” Biden said Friday, sitting next to his guest as he held his note card in front of his unlit fireplace, with a bowl of shamrock on the front.

At one point, Biden turned over his note card so photographers could take a photo of its contents, entitled “IRELAND MEETING PARTICIPANTS.”

It’s in the cards: President Joe Biden holds a note card ahead of his oval office meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar

As well as offering coaching on the dangerous ‘Taoiseach’ title, the card included instructions on how to pronounce the name of Ireland’s Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar. It also mentioned Ireland’s ambassador to the US, Geraldine Byrne Nason.

“A great opportunity to return some of the hospitality you showed me when I was last in Ireland,” he said, correctly pronouncing the Gaelic word as “tee-shock.”

Biden was referring to his latest trip to Ireland, where he brought family members and staff and also met with distant relatives.

Biden turned over his note card, which showed photos and the flag of the Republic of Ireland

Biden turned over his note card, which showed photos and the flag of the Republic of Ireland

“Tee-shock” is how aides advised Biden to pronounce the visiting prime minister's title

“Tee-shock” is how aides advised Biden to pronounce the visiting prime minister’s title

Biden also traveled to the Capitol for this the annual Friends of Ireland lunch in the Capitol where he again recognized the Prime Minister after the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson, who has clashed with Biden over Ukraine financing, introduced the president as “America’s most famous Irishman.”

“Taioseach, thank you for joining us again,” Biden said, once again nailing the statement, at least by American standards.