Jill Biden tells Arizona college graduates to tune out people who tell them what they ‘can’t’ do

Jill Biden told Arizona Community College graduates on Saturday to ignore the people who like to tell them what they can’t do.

The first lady shared with Mesa Community College graduates how her high school guidance counselor told her she wasn’t college material and that she shouldn’t waste her time doing so. She didn’t listen and got her college degree.

She went on to earn three more, including two master’s degrees and, at age 55, a doctorate in educational leadership. She went to school at night while raising three children and working full-time.

The first lady has been a teacher for more than 30 years and has taught English and writing at Northern Virginia Community College since 2009.

She encouraged the graduates to “ drown out ” the voices that say “can’t” and remember the challenges they overcame to wear a cap and gown on Saturday.

“You’ve met life’s challenges before. And you know that on the other side of ‘can’t’ lies the beauty, the joy and the surprise of life, the adventure that changes us for the better,” she said, according to excerpts from her prepared remarks shared with The Associated Press. “And you’re ready.”

Biden said the graduates should remember that they are strong and resilient, and not be afraid to face the unknown.

“Expect anything and everything. Take the risks that scare you. When you see the opportunity for joy, don’t hesitate. Share your stories too. Be kinder. Love harder. Dream bigger. Find your adventure and have the courage to say yes,” she said.

To the class of 2024, she said, “Make the world feel your thunder!” The university’s mascot is the thunderbird and “feel the thunder” is the school’s slogan.

“And the next time someone tells you you ‘can’t do it,’ you’ll say, ‘Oh yeah?…Look at me,’” Biden said.