MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Bad Doctor Jill Biden doesn’t give a damn about America – or her husband. She’ll humiliate him till he can take no more… because she knows what will become of her next

This is presidential power on life support — and Jill Biden refuses to pull the plug.

For someone who ridiculously insists on being called “Dr.” — Jill isn’t a doctor, or even a PhD, just America’s most famous community college professor — Jill seems like the opposite.

What she is doing to her husband is undoubtedly elder abuse, and what she is doing to the nation is unforgivable.

It is not enough that The New York Times, the day after last Thursday’s disastrous debate, called on President Biden to resign.

Or that the New Yorker, The Economist, the Chicago Tribune and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution have all called for Biden’s departure.

What Jill is doing to her husband is without a doubt elder abuse, and what she is doing to the nation is unforgivable.

As for the American electorate, a damning new CBS poll finds that 72 percent of registered voters — both Republicans and Democrats — believe Joe Biden should not run for a second term.

The same percentage said they do not believe he is mentally and cognitively fit to serve as president.

That last fact raises a larger question, one that the mainstream media was telling us until last week that videos of Biden wandering off at the G7 or acting confused in Normandy or generally stumbling around, looking vacant and open-mouthed were all “cheap fakes.” They haven’t gotten around to saying: Who is the Real govern the United States of America?

Jill could tell us, I’m sure, but she’s too busy shepherding her corpse-like husband on a “Weekend at Bernie’s” debate spree to the election campaign and a shiny fundraiser for the Hamptons this weekend. She’s pretending everything is fine, like nothing’s wrong.

Oh – and also greenlighting a hagiographic Vogue cover that went online Monday, featuring Jill in a cream designer suit, lit like a religious apparition, our saintly Dr. Jill looking up to the heavens.

Her name is in a huge font, a size that will surely be used if her husband is forced to leave. Until then, she offers this provocative cover quote: “We will decide our future.”

To anyone who thinks she’s talking about voters and American democracy, let me disabuse you.

Jill means that only the Biden family will decide whether Joe stays in the race. And if she gets her way, he will.

That’s the Bidens: cowardly, cynical, selfish and shameless to the end.

It’s clear they don’t give a damn about America, or the average voter, or national security, or our allies.

On the hagiographical new cover of Vogue, Jill is depicted in a cream-colored designer suit, illuminated like a religious apparition, our saintly Dr. Jill looking up to the heavens.

It’s clear they don’t give a damn about America, or the average voter, or national security, or our allies.

The Biden family is unconcerned that virtually all other G7 leaders have expressed concern about Biden’s decline.

Or that 45 government officials, from both sides of the political spectrum, told the Wall Street Journal a few weeks ago that Biden appears to be falling asleep during meetings.

Or that Joe, as reported on Monday, only functions between 10am and 4pm (if you believe that, but I don’t).

This would be the moment when a caring family – a truly loving wife – would raise the drawbridge, save their husband and father from himself, try to protect his legacy, and insist that he retire with dignity.

But “dignity” and the Biden family don’t know each other. They’re not even on superficial terms.

No: Reports are emerging that party officials have told the president he has a week to prove his capabilities or voluntarily step down, and that Joe is “humiliated” by his debate performance. Jill and Hunter Biden are reportedly pushing Joe to stay in the race.

Of course they are! This is what Bidens do: Given the choice to act with grace or greed, with courage or cynicism, to choose their patriotic duty over personal sacrifice, they will always choose the lesser option.

It is believed that Jill and Hunter are clinging to the presidency because deep down they know that without it they have no class, too much debt, multiple mortgages, mounting legal fees and no prospect of a second chance.

What do these two have to offer without Joe as president?

Jill turns to Anna Wintour, another dinosaur clinging to power. She receives a fawning Vogue writer who recounts “drinking honey-ginger tea” out of “fancy cups” with the otherwise sober First Lady as they look out over the South Lawn of the White House.

“We don’t need any more chaos,” Jill tells her interviewer.

HA! If she really believes that, there’s one sure way to show it.

Yet in this profile we have to listen to friends and associates talk about plain old Jill, who has no real love for Washington DC, or the trappings that come with power and celebrity, and who would love to leave the White House behind.

If you believe that, then I’ve got Corn Pop ready to show you how he, not Joey, defeated Medicare.

“She misses the ‘normal,'” says Jill’s good friend Mary Doody. “I guarantee you that if [Joe] leave the office… they will be home and happy to be home.’

Really? Because the otherwise left-wing media just built them an exit ramp, and one that’s wheelchair accessible at that.

This would be the moment when a caring family raises the drawbridge, saves their husband and father from himself, tries to protect his legacy, and demands that he retire with dignity.

It is believed that Jill and Hunter are clinging to the presidency because deep down they know that without it they have no class, too much debt, multiple mortgages, mounting legal fees and no prospect of a second chance.

And here’s Jill’s “workman,” her senior adviser Anthony Bernal, who has allegedly sexually harassed and bullied colleagues: “Her family means everything to her.”

Yeah, sorry, no. I don’t believe it. If family meant everything to Dr. Jill, she would have told Joe long ago that he wasn’t seeking a second term.

If family meant everything to her, she wouldn’t have dragged her husband to a televised campaign rally after that disastrous debate and told him condescendingly, “You did a great job! You answered every question!”

This is the President of the United States, not a little kid following a tutoring book.

What’s up with the Biden family and their penchant for public humiliation?

If family was everything to Jill, she wouldn’t have donned a “VOTE” dress after the debate.

She allegedly dragged Joe to a Waffle House restaurant at midnight not long after his bedtime.

And she wouldn’t have called Annie Leibovitz to Camp David this weekend to take a grand, ceremonial family photo that would mark her husband’s lowest point ever, to commemorate what we all know is the end of his hopes, if not his place in history.

And as for that vaunted ‘democracy’ that Jill insists she’s fighting for – well, we didn’t vote her.

How hypocritical it is to claim that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to democracy ever, when we don’t even know who really holds the power in Biden’s White House.

Toward the end of her Vogue profile, Jill is quoted giving a speech at a “Women for Biden” event, talking about Trump and her husband’s enemies.

“They underestimate our power,” Jill says, “because they don’t understand it.”

True words that send shivers down your spine.

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