Jigsaw fashion tycoon who played as royal ‘matchmaker’ for Wills and Kate charged with sheep cruelty offences on £12million country estate

The multimillionaire founder of luxury fashion chain Jigsaw has been charged with animal cruelty at his £12million estate, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

John Robinson, who played a key role in Prince William and Kate’s love story and is a close friend of the Middleton family, is facing nine charges under animal welfare legislation.

The 77-year-old man appeared in court in Swindon on Friday accused of allowing animals to suffer on his sprawling 300-acre farm in Wiltshire.

Also in court was farm manager Charles Williams, who is accused of ten counts under animal welfare legislation.

Robinson is accused of causing animals unnecessary suffering on three occasions, including causing a lamb to suffer by “failing to seek veterinary advice or allow the lamb to die humanely” despite knowing the animal would suffer.

John Robinson, the multimillionaire founder of luxury fashion chain Jigsaw, has been charged with animal cruelty at his £12million estate, The Mail on Sunday can reveal

Jigsaw is a fashion clothing retailer with store and concession partners in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Australia

He is also accused of failing to provide for “the needs of an animal for which he was responsible” and of failing to provide the farm inspector with data on mortality rates.

The charges relate to a period between November 2022 and January this year. Emma Carroll, prosecuting for Wiltshire Council, said: ‘This case relates to animal welfare offences against sheep owned by John Robinson and kept by Charles Williams, who was employed as farm manager.

At the time of the violations, both individuals were living on the farm premises. The violations relate to inspections that took place on the farm.

‘There were complaints from people who had seen very sick or unwell sheep on the land. A number of sheep had to be put down because they were suffering and there were problems with the carcasses of animals not being removed.’

The 77-year-old appeared at Swindon Crown Court on Friday accused of allowing animal cruelty to occur on his sprawling 300-acre farm in Wiltshire

Robinson founded Jigsaw in 1970 with his now ex-wife Belle. Their fortune was previously estimated at £130 million by the Sunday Times Rich List.

They count the Middleton family among their close friends and their important role in Kate and William’s courtship began when they hired the now Princess of Wales to work at their headquarters in 2006 after she completed her studies.

Robinson gave Kate the use of his luxurious hilltop villa on Mustique in the Caribbean for private romantic vacations with the young prince. Mr. Robinson and his then wife also attended their wedding in 2011.

Neither Robinson nor Williams have entered a plea to the charges. They will appear at Swindon Crown Court on September 27. Both men have been released on unconditional bail.

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