Jesus saves! Carjacked priest survives when bullet bounces off his crucifix during robbery in Brazil

Jesus saves! Characterized priest survives when bullet ricochets off his crucifix during robbery in Brazil

  • Father Jairo Luis Gusberti almost died when he threw two parishioners home
  • But his crucifix managed to stop a bullet from killing him on Monday
  • He was in and out of the hospital to treat the flesh wound within a few hours

A Brazilian priest has revealed how his life was saved by Jesus after a bullet intended to kill him fired from his crucifix.

Father Jairo Luis Gusberti was stopped by some thugs with a gun at around 21:00 on Monday while he was meeting two parishioners in the Christ the Redeemer neighborhood of Caxias do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of Brazil. drove home. .

As the two carjackers approached the car, one shot through the windshield at point-blank range, hitting the priest square in the chest.

But instead of killing him instantly, the bullet was partially stopped by the crucifix and reportedly only caused a minor flesh wound.

Father Jairo told local media on Tuesday: ‘I was protected by God; this is the testimony I want to give.

Father Jairo Luis Gusberti (pictured) only suffered a flesh wound after being shot in the chest

While the wooden back of the crucifix was destroyed, the cross somehow remained intact

He said he has since forgiven his would-be killers

Father Jairo was in and out of the hospital in a few short hours after Brazilian doctors patched him up

“In fact, the cross, the cross of Christ that already saved us when He gave His life for us, also saved me last night.”

Photos taken after the shutdown show the wood in the crucifix shattered with the metal badly twisted but apparently intact.

The crumpled bullet can be seen under the cross in the priest’s hand.

The wound was so minor that it took father Jairo several minutes to realize he had been shot.

He was taken to hospital, where doctors removed the bullet from his chest, with the cross believed to have ensured that he had suffered only a superficial wound.

Without the crucifix, the bullet could have gone much deeper and been fatal.

He was discharged just hours later, after medics tied up the small wound.

Forgiving father Jairo later told local media he felt ‘reborn’ by the shooting.

He added: ‘Pray for those who carried out this operation. So that God’s love touches them.’

It is currently not known if the Brazilian police have made any arrests yet.

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