Jessie J reveals she has been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD and admits it has made her ‘rethink’ her whole life

Jessie J has revealed that she was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) three months ago.

In a candid post on Instagram, the 36-year-old singer said it had made her “rethink” her whole life, adding that having ADHD felt like “a superpower, as long as you look at it from the right perspective.”

She also wrote that having a child had “exposed” the circumstances even more, before admitting that she knew she had been “a little different” all her life.

She wrote: ‘Hi. I was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD about 3 months ago. When I told people, a lot of the reaction I got was ‘yeah, I mean, we knew that’ (which I’m sure some of you are doing right now) and of course I knew to some extent, but having a baby has, shall we say… exposed it a lot more, which has been reassuring in a way because it felt less heavy and scary.

‘But also in moments where I feel like I can’t talk about it. F*** that. Here I am talking about it. Embracing it with the [world].

Jessie J has revealed she was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) three months ago

In a candid post on Instagram, the 36-year-old singer said it has “rethought” her entire life, but added that having ADHD felt like “a superpower, as long as you look at it from the right perspective.”

‘It’s weird when you know that you’ve been a little different your whole life and that you’ve experienced things differently. And then one day, when you least expect it, someone finally explains to you why, and you can’t ignore it.

Jessie J, whose full name is Jessica Cornish, continued: ‘ADHD is such a broad spectrum that piecing together your version of it is a mystery, that’s what it felt like for me. To really understand how to manage it, excel and grow with it.

‘Honestly, I feel like it’s a superpower, as long as you look at it from the right perspective and have the right support and people around you who can work with you on it.

‘It’s made me think about my whole life. The way I’ve been, the way I deal with things. The relationships I’ve had. How I work and how I love. It’s empowered me and honestly, it’s also overwhelmed me at times.

Jessie, who gave birth to her son Sky Safir Cornish Colman last year, said she knows there are many people going through the same thing and she is there for them.

The hitmaker said her diagnosis had made her love herself even more, concluding: ‘So that you get to know yourself even better in life. And love yourself all the way.’

Fans flocked to her comments to show their support for her candor. They wrote:

“ADHD is a gift, not a disease. Just be yourself and we know that everyone sees how talented you are. Just like the other ADHD friends, we are all gifted.”

She also wrote how having a baby had ‘exposed’ the circumstances even more before admitting that she knew she had ‘been a little different and felt things differently’ all her life

The singer posted a long and very honest message about her diagnosis on her Instagram, telling her fans that the diagnosis has left her “empowered and overwhelmed.”

Jessie, who gave birth to her son Sky Safir Cornish Colman last year, said her diagnosis has made her love herself even more

Fans flocked to her comments section to show their support for the singer, describing her as “brave” and calling her “amazing and special.”

A few hours after her post, Jessie took to her Instagram stories to let her fans know that she felt “relieved” to let others know and that she can finally be herself.

‘First of all I love you and I’m proud of you for letting us be a part of this new chapter in your life with the diagnosis you’ve been given. It takes a lot of courage and strength to speak out and that’s one of the many reasons I admire you. You’re going to help so many people feel less alone and as always stay true to who you are.’

“You’ve always been special and today you show us again that being special can be amazing. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, we love you always “

A few hours after her post, Jessie took to her Instagram stories to let her fans know how she was feeling.

She told the camera in a dark room: ‘Honestly, I feel a kind of relief that I can finally be myself and not have to hide myself.

‘The moral of the story is that we all go through shit, the world is a little fucked up and we should all be nice to each other because we have no idea what we’re going through.

She concluded, “We have to set boundaries, but we also have to open up. We have to be honest, but not mean. Just learn about ourselves. That’s all we can do. You can only love someone as deeply as you love yourself.”


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.

It affects about five percent of children in the US. About 3.6 percent of boys and 0.85 percent of girls are affected in the UK.

Symptoms usually appear at a young age and become more noticeable as a child grows. They may also include:

  • Constantly wobbling
  • Poor concentration
  • Excessive movement or talking
  • Acting without thinking
  • Inability to cope with stress
  • Little or no sense of danger
  • Careless mistakes
  • Mood swings
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty organizing tasks
  • Constantly starting new tasks before you finish the old ones
  • Inability to listen or follow instructions

Most cases are diagnosed between the ages of six and twelve. Adults can also be affected, but less research has been done on this.

The exact cause of ADHD is unclear, but it is thought to involve genetic mutations that affect a person’s brain function and structure.

Premature babies and babies with epilepsy or brain damage are at greater risk.

ADHD has also been linked to anxiety, depression, insomnia, Tourette’s syndrome, and epilepsy.

There is no medicine.

Usually, a combination of medications and therapy is recommended to relieve symptoms and make daily life easier.

Source: NHS Choices

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