Jesse Baird, Luke Davies body discovery LIVE: Rolling updates on NSW Police press conference after grim find in Bungonia after Beau Lamarre-Condon was charged: Watch video

Human remains have been found at a property in Bungonia, south of Sydney, during the hunt for the bodies of missing TV presenter Jesse Baird and his flight attendant friend Luke Davies.

Beau Lamarre-Condon, a senior officer in the NSW Police Force, is said to have shot the pair on Baird’s terrace in Paddington, on the outskirts of Sydney, last Monday.

Lamarre-Condon allegedly shot the pair with his Glock police pistol.

He turned himself in to police on Thursday and was charged with two counts of murder on Friday, but he refused to tell investigators where the bodies were.

Investigators had searched a remote property in Bungonia earlier this week, including several dams, but were unable to find the bodies.

The remains were discovered on Tuesday after police established a second crime scene at a different location in Bungonia.

Lamarre-Condon is said to have driven to the area in a rented van with an acquaintance last Wednesday and bought an angle screwdriver and padlock along the way.

He allegedly cut through a padlocked gate to access a private road and left the acquaintance for 30 minutes while he allegedly disposed of the bodies.

He then returned to Sydney, but police allege he bought weights at 11pm that evening before driving back to Bungonia, where they allege he then moved the bodies to a new location.

The van is believed to have left the Bungonia area around 4.30am on Thursday in a possible attempt to move the bodies to a new location, police said.

Jesse Baird Luke Davies body discovery LIVE Rolling updates on