The one money rule almost all millennials share that Gen Z finds ‘bizarre’ and a ‘waste of time’: ‘Most relatable thing I’ve seen’

A millennial has revealed the surprising quirk most people of her generation share – and it’s a world apart from Gen Z’s ‘normal’.

Jennie Longdonfrom Great Britain, wanted to know why millennials couldn’t make ‘big’ purchases on their phones.

The radio presenter revealed she was fine with buying takeaway food, clothes and shoes on her phone, but that’s where the list ends.

‘A plane ticket? On your phone?’ Jennie pretended to gag. ‘That’s a laptop job. You can’t book a holiday on your phone!’

She added video, ‘For major purchases we have to take out the laptop. Why are we like this? Don’t know. We cannot make a large or important purchase over the phone. You can’t browse properly.’

Jennie Longdon claimed that millennials couldn’t make “major purchases” on their phones

‘Major purchases’ include expensive items or experiences such as a refrigerator, a washing machine or a holiday.

Many millennials felt the same way.

“Major purchases require the internet,” someone joked.

“I literally look at the information on my phone and then grab my laptop to go to the same site to book it,” laughed another.

Another woman said: ‘I had to buy a new laptop so I could look at new cars online!’

One revealed a horror story about trying to book a holiday on her phone.

“I once booked a mini-vacation on my phone and halfway through booking I accidentally refreshed the page with my thumb,” she says.

‘The hotel called me that evening and asked where I was. The form has been updated and reset to today’s date! And I was not entitled to a refund. Never again, from now on always a laptop or desktop.’

Older generations prefer to book holidays on their laptop instead of their phone

Although said, even a laptop isn’t ‘big enough’ for her.

“Laptop… no. That’s a desktop job! I need a good keyboard and a big screen when I book something! And I’ll take a screenshot of everything in case there’s no email confirmation.”

But not everyone agreed with Jennie.

‘I am 38 years old and have booked all my holidays via my phone! I haven’t opened a laptop outside of work in years,” one person said.

“My partner bought our house all through his phone,” another revealed.

“I recently booked flights, accommodation and extracurricular activities for four people on my phone,” said one mother. ‘I was so proud.’

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