Jen Psaki and James Comey claim Trump could accept the nomination “in anklet.”

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki laughed with former FBI chief James Comey about the possibility of Trump accepting his presidential nomination “in an anklet” — because they ignored the findings of the Durham report.

In a sitting position interview which aired Sunday, the two agreed that the former president could accept the Republican nomination while facing legal ramifications.

“It’s a crazy world that Donald Trump is dragging this country into, but he could be wearing an anklet while accepting the nomination at the Republican convention,” Comey said.

That would create a devastating situation for the justice system, Comey argued, claiming that Trump could “destroy” those who investigate him or hold him accountable.

“Think what four years of a retaliatory presidency might look like. He could order the investigation and prosecution of individuals he considers enemies,” the former FBI chief continued.

However, the two did not address the Durham report, which essentially debunked claims that the Trump team had collaborated with Russia to collude in the 2016 election.

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki laughed with former FBI chief James Comey about the possibility of a new Trump presidency amid investigations into the former president

“It’s a crazy world that Donald Trump is dragging this country into, but he could be wearing an anklet while accepting the nomination at the Republican convention,” Comey said.

In their nearly 10-minute interview, the former White House press secretary and the disgraced FBI director shared banter about their fears of a Trump repeat presidency.

Comey also explicitly expressed the hope that the case regarding the documents found at Mar-a-Lago will stand and that he will be brought to justice.

He also argued that the existence of the tape of Trump allegedly admitting to knowing about the classified documents makes the case much stronger.

“I don’t know where the case will end,” Comey told Psaki. “But it makes it immeasurably stronger to have the subject of the investigation said in a way that can’t be dismissed — no pun intended, with Trump.”

Tapes are great for a prosecutor because you can’t investigate a tape. You can’t call a tape a liar,” he said.

Comey added that he had once prayed there would be ties exposed in the case because it makes a case so much easier to prosecute.

“That’s why I once said, ‘Lord, I hope there are tapes.’ And, my lord, it’s a good thing there are tapes,’ the ex-government official said.

Trump has publicly stated that “everything I did was right” regarding the documents the FBI found during their Mar-a-Lago search.

The conversation then turned to the status of the Trump investigations and how DOJ and FBI officials likely feel pressured to act quickly.

Former FBI Director James Comey with former President Donald Trump in January 2017

“That’s why I once said, ‘Lord, I hope there are tapes.’ And lord, it’s a good thing there are ties,” Comey said of the documents found at Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

Trump is under investigation after the FBI executed a search warrant at his home in Florida’s Mar-a-Lago and found classified and classified documents

Trump has said that “everything I did was right” regarding the documents found by the FBI

Given his experience with investigations during campaign cycles, Psaki asked Comey if he thinks the timeline should be a concern for prosecutors.

“It’s troubling for a prosecutor leading an investigation and for the FBI, because despite history, we desperately don’t want to be involved in election-time and near-election investigations,” he told the MSNBC host.

Comey led the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails that plagued the media for months surrounding the 2016 election.

“They’re feeling intense pressure to move, move, move, so they’re in no position to make an attack decision next year, when Donald Trump might be the nominee,” Comey continued.

“So I think they’re probably working very, very hard and trying to move forward where even the normal pace of research might be,” he added.

At that point, the two then turned to discussing the potential for Trump to accept the Republican nomination while in an ankle bracelet.

Comey said he can see a situation where Trump wins again in 2024, but he doesn’t “want” to envision a scenario where “justice is delayed.”

He added that there is no precedent for whether a criminal investigation into Trump would be suspended or whether it would continue after he is sworn in again.

‘Yes, there is no precedent as far as I know. We never thought about electing someone like Donald Trump again,” Comey said.

“So I don’t know what would happen,” he continued.

Comey added that he considers himself on Trump’s “enemy list” and that he – a lifelong Republican – plans to vote for President Joe Biden in 2024.

Given his experience with investigations during campaign cycles, Psaki asked Comey if he thinks the timeline should be a concern for prosecutors

Some of the documents in Trump’s possession discovered during the August 8, 2022 federal raid on Mar-a-Lago

Despite the long interview time, the two did not mention the recent results of Special Counsel John Durham’s report published in May.

The shocking report found that the FBI did not have enough “factual evidence” to investigate Trump-Russia conspiracy allegations.

Immediately after it was published, members of the GOP criticized leftist outlets for publishing stories despite “shaky” sources.

What have we learned from the Durham report? That the New York Times and the Washington Post got a Pulitzer Prize for writing a bunch of politically motivated nonsense,” Sen. Lindsey Graham said in a statement.

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