Jeffrey Epstein met current CIA Director William Burns after he was a convicted sex offender

Jeffrey Epstein’s recently released private calendar revealed that he had scheduled meetings with a slew of high profile individuals, including the current CIA director, after being convicted of a sex offender.

The documents include emails and scheduled meetings with current CIA Director William Burns, Bard College President Leon Botstein, Obama White House Attorney Kathryn Ruemmler and Professor Noam Chomsky.

The meetings were scheduled between 2013 and 2017 after the pedophile was jailed in 2008 for sex crimes involving a teenage girl.

The purpose of the meetings was not revealed in the wealth of documents provided by The Wall Street Journal and published on Sunday.

Epstein, who was dogged for years by allegations that he had sexually assaulted girls and young women, was found dead in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. The city’s coroner ruled his death a suicide.

Jeffrey Epstein’s recently released private calendar revealed that he had scheduled meetings with a slew of high profile individuals, including the current CIA director and a lawyer who served in the Obama administration, after he was a convicted sex offender.

William Burns, who has been the director of the CIA since 2021, met Epstein a decade ago when he left the civil service, CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp said

Burns, who has served as director of the CIA under President Joe Biden since 2021, met Epstein a decade ago as Burns was preparing to leave government service at the time, according to CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp.

“The director knew nothing about him, except that he had been introduced as an expert in the financial services industry and gave general advice on transitioning to the private sector,” she said. “They had no relationship.”

Private calendar documents revealed that Burns, who met Epstein in Washington and once went to his Manhattan townhouse, scheduled meetings with him in 2014.

Many other appointments with prominent people were scheduled at Epstein’s mansion — a place where prosecutors alleged in 2019 that Epstein had sexually assaulted female victims, many of them underage.

Kathryn Ruemmler, who served as White House counsel in the Obama administration, and joined Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in 2020. came, had dozens of meetings scheduled with Epstein.

According to the documents, she would also join Epstein on a trip to Paris in 2015 and a visit to Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean in 2017.

They first met after he called her to ask if she would be interested in representing Mr. Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a Goldman Sachs spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal.

According to the documents, there was a discussion between Epstein and his staff about whether Ruemmler would be uncomfortable with the presence of young women who worked as assistants at the mansion.

Kathryn Ruemmler, who served as White House counsel in the Obama administration, and joined Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in 2020. came, had dozens of meetings scheduled with Epstein. Pictured: Ruemmler appears on “Meet the Press” in Washington, DC, Sunday, June 29, 2014

In emails described in the documents, some of the women who allegedly worked for Epstein asked if they should avoid the house while Ruemmler was there. Epstein told one woman not to be around, but told the other she would be fine.

During her meetings at the mansion, Ruemmler did not express any concern about their presence, the Goldman spokesperson said.

According to the documents, Ruemmler had more than three dozen dates with Epstein, including lunches and dinners.

“Normally, Epstein also invited her to meetings and social gatherings, introduced her to other business contacts, and referred her,” the Goldman spokesperson said. “They were the same kinds of contacts and appointments she had with other contacts and clients.”

According to the documents, she would fly to Paris with Epstein for a day and to his island in the US Virgin Islands in 2017.

But Ruemmler never visited his island and “never accepted an invitation or an opportunity to fly anywhere with Jeffrey Epstein,” the Goldman spokesman said.

Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, had dozens of meetings with Epstein at his mansion, the first in 2012 to thank him for his donations, which continued. In 2015, Epstein donated 66 laptops, the documents show.

President of Bard College Leon Botstein met with Epstein, the first in 2012 to thank him for his donations. He knew about Epstein’s past, but added that they “believe in rehabilitation”

“I was a failed fundraiser and actually the object of a bit of sadism on his part in dangling philanthropic support,” Botstein said. “That was my relationship with him.”

Botstein admitted that he knew about Epstein’s past.

“We looked him up and he was a convicted felon for a sex crime,” he said. Bard has a large program to educate inmates, he said. “We believe in rehabilitation.”

According to the documents, Botstein, who was also the music director of the American Symphony Orchestra, invited Epstein to an opera at Bard in 2013 and a concert at the university in 2016. Epstein planned to bring along some of his young female assistants each time. to take .

Epstein also met with noted liberal activist and professor Noam Chomsky, who told the outlet that they discussed political and academic topics, particularly on Israel-Palestine relations.

The meetings between Chomsky and Esptein also involved former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

Noam Chomsky said he met with Epstein in 2015 to discuss political and academic topics.

All of the encounters with Epstein took place before federal investigators charged him with a slew of sex trafficking felonies. The allegations came after media reports of his Florida love deal in 2008, which saw him quietly serving time for sex crimes.

The reports sparked backlash and enthusiasm over the deal with Epstein.

Prosecutors then charged and arrested Epstein. He was found dead in his federal prison cell while awaiting trial on the latest charges. Officials ruled his death a suicide, but questions have been raised about whether foul play was involved.

Epstein’s mistress, Ghislaine Maxwell, was convicted of crimes related to the sex ring and sentenced to 20 years in prison. She is appealing against her conviction.

Virginia Roberts also sued Prince Andrew for his alleged role in Epstein’s sex ring. The case ended when a settlement was reached in February 2022, with Andrew reportedly paying $12 million.

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