Jason Sudeikis files new motion in custody battle with ex Olivia Wilde

Jason Sudeikis is prolonging his feud with ex Olivia Wilde because he is trying to “litigate her into debt”, she claimed in new court documents, DailyMail.com discovered.

“While Jason can afford to spin his wheels with one performance after another, Olivia cannot,” her attorneys wrote before a hearing scheduled in Los Angeles for today.

“Jason seems intent on throwing whatever he can against the wall to see what sticks, and this Request for Order Seeking Stay of California Paternity Action is just the latest example,” they add.

She accused him of being “dishonest” and acting “in bad faith” about the future of their two children.

Friday’s hearing will be on whether California courts should determine the warring couple’s fight over the children, Otis, Daisy, ages eight and six, or whether New York is the appropriate venue.

Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde are due to appear in court Friday morning for a custody hearing as their legal battle over where their children will live continues.

The exes have been locked in a nasty bi-coastal custody battle for the past few years, due in large part to the fact that Olivia lives in Los Angeles and Jason lives in New York City.

The exes have been locked in a nasty bi-coastal custody battle for the past few years, due in large part to the fact that Olivia lives in Los Angeles and Jason lives in New York City.

The exes have been locked in a nasty bi-coastal custody battle for the past few years, due in large part to the fact that Olivia lives in Los Angeles and Jason lives in New York City.

Olivia, 39, says the matter has been settled and should be in Los Angeles, but the Ted Lasso star is “obfuscating” her bid for future hearings to be held in Brooklyn.

“Jason should not be allowed to sue Olivia over debt and then claim that he should be deprived of his right to request a need-based contribution of fees,” his lawyers write.

Sudeikis, 47, filed a new motion to stop a California order that her children should live in the Golden State, giving her time to file an appeal in New York after a judge ruled against her petition last year. past the children residing in the Golden State. East Coast.

Olivia maintains that the children live in California and have no reason to move, noting that her daughter Daisy never attended school in New York and Otis only attended one semester of kindergarten in New York in 2019.

Her lawyers state: “While the details of Jason’s finances are currently unknown, as he declined to respond in any substantial way to the basic discovery, she knows that he is much wealthier than she is.”

Olivia claims in the presentation that she believed things were moving towards a more amicable solution earlier this year, but was shocked when she learned of Jason’s legal tactics.

“We were scheduled to start working with a family therapist in California in mid-January. I thought things were calming down and they were going to move forward in a more friendly and respectful way,” says Olivia.

“Instead, I learned on January 10, 2023 that the entire time I was negotiating parenting time in California [Jason] he was conspiring to proceed with the New York child support proceeding behind my back.

Apparently, he had learned that the court date for our first appearance was January 4, 2023, and he purposely did not inform me, nor did his attorney advise my attorneys. Without knowing the date, neither I nor my lawyers showed up.

‘[Jason’s] The deceit and bad faith in these proceedings is staggering. I am completely stumped as to why he thinks engaging in bullying or cheating will be in the best interest of him or our children.”

Wilde accused Sudeikis of being

Wilde accused Sudeikis of being “dishonest” in his court dealings over the upbringing of his two children, eight-year-old Otis and six-year-old Daisy.

The ex-couple's custody battle took a turn for the worse when Olivia received legal documents while onstage at an event in front of 4,000 industry experts.

The ex-couple’s custody battle took a turn for the worse when Olivia received legal documents while onstage at an event in front of 4,000 industry experts.

The two ignited speculation that they were heading to a new couple in January when they were spotted together in Los Angeles, however the latest legal standoff suggests otherwise.

The exes have been locked in a nasty bi-coastal custody battle for the past few years, due in large part to the fact that Olivia lives in Los Angeles and Jason lives in New York City, causing quite a bit of controversy. when the actress received custody. she documents while she was on stage in front of 4,000 industry experts.

But Wilde says that even that isn’t entirely true and that the Sudeikis sisters now live in the Brooklyn house that they own and Jason only stays with them when he’s in town.

After their split in 2020, Olivia and Jason initially seemed to be on the same page and cordial to each other, putting their kids first.

Olivia later met Harry Styles at a party for Irving Azoff. At the time, she was beginning production on her directorial debut for Olivia, Don’t Worry Darling, in which she also starred.

The offstage drama took center stage when Olivia got into a fight with the lead actor, Shia LaBouf. After his departure, Olivia replaced him with Harry, who had only had a few acting roles before.

In January 2021, rumors that Olivia and Harry were more than just friends and co-stars were confirmed when they were seen holding hands in public. Harry solidified the situation when he referred to her as her ‘girlfriend’.

Harry Styles and Olivia became a hot item during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 after they met on Irving Azoff's birthday.

Harry Styles and Olivia became a hot item during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 after they met on Irving Azoff’s birthday.

Soon after, their cordial upbringing with Jason turned ugly. In April 2022, Olivia received custody papers for Otis and Daisy while she was giving a speech about her latest film, Don’t Worry Darling.

In August 2022, Olivia responded to Jason’s introduction. In court documents obtained by DailyMail.com, she said she and Jason had previously agreed to let the boys finish out the school year in Los Angeles, while he filmed Ted Lasso.

“Recently, however, Jason decided that he wanted to go to New York for the next year while he was not working, and he wanted the children to be with him there during this time off,” Olivia said in the documents. “When I disagreed, since the children have not lived in New York for several years, Jason produced these documents.”

Things got uglier when a professional server failed to take the stage at CinemaCon and handed Olivia court papers while she was speaking with movie executives.

“Jason’s actions were clearly intended to threaten me and catch me off guard,” she said of the service.

“He could have served me discreetly, but instead he chose to serve me as aggressively as possible.” For Jason to professionally embarrass me and put our personal conflict on public display in this way is extremely contrary to the best interests of our children.

Jason later responded, apologizing to Olivia saying he was “very, very sorry” and “deeply sorry” for the way she was treated. His response detailed the reason why he contested the previously agreed upon custody arrangement for the children.

First, Olivia said that if I did not reside full-time in Los Angeles, she would allow me to spend time with Otis and Daisy on weekends and during vacation periods, thus depriving me of my right to parent the children during important periods of my life. life. their lives.’

She also claimed that Olivia had informed her that she possibly wanted to move the children to London, where she planned to move in with Harry during the height of their romance.