A 79-year-old Japanese man got a 90-inch jump rope stuck in his bladder after inserting it through his penis, in what one doctor described as the most “extreme” case they’d ever seen.
Shocking scans published by his doctors show how the two-meter-thin rope — which had no handles — got coiled tightly in the unidentified man’s bladder.
This made it impossible for medics to pull it out the way it came in, so they had to cut into his bladder to surgically remove it.
The man did not tell doctors why he had inserted the rope, but inserting objects into the opening of the penis is a risky sexual act known as riveting.
Doctors used information from detailed scans to create a 3D computer model of the tangled rope to determine the best method of removal.
A British expert said it was one of the most ‘extreme’ cases of an object being inserted into the body through the penis he’s heard of in his career, which spanned two decades.
This X-ray revealed the object of the 79-year-old man’s urinary discomfort, a tightly coiled and now tangled jump rope he had inserted into his penis
The no less than 230 cm skipping rope after medics have surgically removed the object from his bladder
Describing it indecently in a medical case report. Japanese said it demonstrated the value of using 3D computer models (right) created from scans to determine how best to remove foreign bodies in the bladder
Experts from Dokkyo Medical University in the city of Mibu, 100 km north of Tokyo, detailed the incident in a medical case report.
The elderly man originally went to the university medical center and complained of dysuria, a painful or burning sensation when urinating.
When medics examined his bladder using an ultrasound scan, they found that “a large object accompanied by acoustic shadows” was inside the bladder. An X-ray then revealed that this object was “a threadlike coiled foreign body.”
The man then had to admit to doctors that he had inserted a skipping rope into the urethra of the penis. Doctors did not say whether the man explained why he committed the bizarre act.
Lead author of the case report, published in the journal Urology Case Reportsurologist Professor Toshiki Kijima, said medics then performed a CT scan to determine how best to remove the rope.
He said they then used a computer program to create a 3D reconstruction of the rope, which showed it had become too entangled to pull it back out through the penis.
The rope became entangled when the bladder contracted, a natural process that takes place after it expels stored urine.
“Transurethral extraction was difficult given the length of the rope and the entanglement in the bladder,” said Professor Kijima.
‘Traditionally, grab pliers and pick-up baskets are used to remove foreign objects.
‘However, wires inserted into the bladder usually curl up as the bladder contracts; therefore special attention is required for threadlike foreign bodies.’
This forced medics to surgically remove the rope through a small incision that cut into the man’s abdomen and then pulled it completely out of the bladder.
They said that by removing it this way, they avoided possible damage to his urethra or bladder by forcibly pulling the tangled cord out of his penis.
The man went on to make a full recovery with no lingering complications from the insertion or surgery itself.
In their report, the medics said the case demonstrated the “invaluable” utility of using 3D reconstructions to determine how best to remove objects inserted into the bladder.
“Any handling of the foreign body should be avoided until the precise materials, size, shape and position are determined, as this could cause further urethral injuries,” he said.
Professor Giulio Garaffa, a uroandrologist at the private men’s health clinic International Andrology in London, told MailOnline that this was one of the most “extreme” cases of urethral insertion he’d heard of.
“In my 20 years of experience in this field, I have come across a number of patients in the ER who perform this exercise and use all kinds of objects that are thin enough to pass through the urethra. However, an object measuring 230 cm in length must be one of the most extreme cases,” he said.
He added that the man was lucky to have avoided some of the potential complications of such an insertion.
“No doubt he was very lucky to have escaped some more serious complications, such as an infection,” he said.
“If you put something into your body that isn’t sterile, you can cause a tissue infection, and those infections can sometimes be very serious, leading to tissue necrosis or even sepsis, for example.”
Inserting objects into the opening of the penis for sexual pleasure is known as riveting, which carries multiple risks.
More serious complications, such as a hole in the bladder and scarring of the tube that carries urine out of the body, may require major reconstructive surgery.
UK experts have previously reported an increase in the number of men with resounding problems in recent years.
They blamed men who “wanted to expand their sexual activities and improve their sexual experiences.”
Other known reasons for inserting objects into the urethra can include mental health problems as well as extremely unwise DIY attempts to cure problems urinating or maintaining an erection.
Patients who have an object in their penis are usually hesitant to contact a doctor because of guilt or embarrassment, which can lead to further medical problems.