JANA HOCKING: Sydney men are furious with me for saying they’re the worst to date – but it’s time they looked in the mirror (and joined a gym)

Oh lord, I upset some people last week. And by some people I mean half of Australia’s male population. Oh, I made them very angry! Still, I wholeheartedly stand by what I said.

To summarize very briefly: I had just returned from an adventurous trip to New York and was starting to recover from the horny atmosphere the city left me with.

The men there have no shame. They will approach you in line for groceries, in a park, and even at the security desk at JFK Airport. I said that Australian men should take note because they have become a bit ‘snobby’ when it comes to lovemaking.

A grunt in our direction or a swipe on the dating apps is about the most they can do to woo us, and I for one have become very bored with it.

Anyway, the guys didn’t like my opinion on this. Oh no. The best word to describe the reaction was triggered. I woke up to literal essays on Instagram, with men ranting over and over about how we women are all too single-minded these days – that we have to get over ourselves and worry about the fact that they never look inward.


Jana Hocking went to New York (pictured) and said the men there were much more proactive when it came to approaching women. Australian men weren’t happy about it

As I scrolled through post after post, there was one thing that really struck me: these men were not oil paintings. Most were overweight, unkempt, with messy stubble or scraggly beards, beer bellies and bad haircuts. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the clothes. They weren’t exactly shouting, “I’m a catch.”

They were basically hot messes and yet here they were whining to me about women who wouldn’t date them. No of course not. Because you look like you need a tetanus shot and a healthy dose of vegetables.

What these guys didn’t understand was something oh so simple. People are attracted to people who look good.

I didn’t say attractive, I said composed. What we present to the world is what we attract. It’s basic science.

Holding a dead fish while dressed in tattered boardies with a big old beer belly hanging over the top doesn’t make our ovaries rumble with a desperate need to reproduce with you.

‘The men in New York (photo) have no shame. They will approach you in line for groceries, in a park, and even at the security desk at JFK Airport. “I said Australian men should take note because they’ve become a bit ‘snore’ in the courtship department,” she said

With a healthy fitness plan and a better diet, you will find that you will not only get more attention from the ladies, but you will also feel a lot better about yourself,” Jana said.

Mike Thurston, a popular health and fitness YouTuber with over a million followers on Instagram, put it well in a recent podcast.

‘I don’t understand why all men don’t want to try to improve their physique and appearance. It’s crazy how many doors it’s opened for me and how much confidence it’s given me,” he said. ‘If you’re unhappy with your life, or something isn’t going right, the easiest thing to do is start working on your physical appearance, and the benefits are serotonin and self-confidence. Good things will come after that.”

And this comes from a little king, who has the ladies lining up for him. As much as we don’t want to believe what he says, it’s true.

I remember a guy at a party I went to late last year. Was his face attractive? Not really. He had a block head, but what he did have was a healthy tan and ripped muscles. The girls at the party loved him. All this guy did was go to the gym a few times a week and enjoy the sun. It didn’t take a huge bank account or a high-paying job to keep the women flowing.

So guys, stop whining and sign up for a gym membership. It’s literally that simple. We women put in a lot more effort, whether that’s wearing a nice perfume, dressing up for a date, getting our legs waxed, Botox, fillers, but many men don’t put in the same effort, but want the same result. Ridiculous!

About a year ago I was scrolling through the messages on my phone and came across a man with a simple request. He explained that he wasn’t getting any swipes on his dating profile, and would it be good if he sent me some screenshots so I could tell him where he went wrong.

I appreciated the courage it took to ask me that, so I said “go ahead.” Within minutes I was reviewing his Tinder profile and could see exactly where he went wrong and how to fix it.

All the shots were from an unflattering angle into his truck. Some with beards, some without. No friends in the photos, and it gave off a slight ‘Wolf Creek’ vibe. When you know, you know.

‘Stop whining and sign up for a gym membership. It’s literally that simple. We women make a much greater effort, but many men do not put in the same effort, but want the same result,” she said.

I gave him three simple tasks. First, keep the beard (it flatters his face), but trim it a bit, take the photos from higher up and show some of him doing activities or with friends.

Fourteen days later he sent me the most beautiful thank you message. He started getting matches and had gone on three dates, one of which looked very hopeful.

I was happy!

All the man needed was a few adjustments in the way he presented himself to the world, and the world suddenly became his oyster.

So it’s time to take a good look in the mirror. With a healthy fitness plan and a better diet, you will find that not only will you start to get the attention of the ladies, but you will also feel a lot better about yourself.

So simple.

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