Jalen Kitna – son of ex-NFL star Jon – breaks his silence after child porn charges against him were dropped: ‘I’m not the person portrayed’
Out of respect for the legal process, I chose to remain silent for the past 8 months, knowing that the allegations against me as a teen were false and would be proven false. The extensive six-month investigation led the prosecution to the conclusion I knew all along: This was not a child pornography case.
I had hoped that this outcome would exonerate me and provide understanding. The reaction was the exact opposite and added further confusion, with people basing their judgments solely on the initial reports, which didn’t tell the whole story.
My family and I firmly believe that child pornography should not exist in our world. I have committed no crime of this nature. This is evident from the facts of the investigation and the resolution. I hope this statement will bring clarity to anyone who wants to know the truth.
On November 30, 2022, at the age of 19, detectives arrived early in the morning and began asking about my use of pornography. I was fully compliant, I shared all my passwords and didn’t hide anything from them. They told me that an image I shared online may have been of an underage female. I was shocked because I had found it on an easily accessible, legal site and I was never looking for illegal material. The photo contained only part of the female body, I had no reason to believe that the photo could be illegal. Anyway, they arrested me on suspicion of possession of child pornography. While they handcuffed me, I tried to process everything. It sounded like they thought I had tracked down and shared illegal photos, but I knew I hadn’t.
I appreciate the thorough investigation carried out by the authorities, including forensic testing on all my devices. This investigation found no other images that were even questionable: no photos, no videos, no chats, no searches for inappropriate material, no illegal activity whatsoever. The state ruled that the items for which the police originally arrested me also could not be prosecuted, either because the persons depicted appeared to be of age or because it was not clear.
A normal part of these types of cases is to undergo a comprehensive psychosexual evaluation. After a full day of evaluation and testing by a specialist physician over 40 years old, the physician determined that I have no abnormalities, had normal interests as a teenager, and that I am in the lowest possible percentile for the chance of having a to commit crime. My attorneys offered to the prosecution that I could be reviewed by other experts for a second and even third opinion, knowing that the results would be validated.
I know this goes against the public narrative fueled by the arrest and headlines. It’s easy to believe the worst about people and perpetuate it online. But this expert’s findings were judged by both the prosecution and the court to be complete, accurate, and demonstrating that I am not the person portrayed from the start.
I know I did not commit the crime that people supposed and perhaps believed. I learned how quickly naive decisions can lead to catastrophic consequences. I am sorry my family and friends had to endure these unimaginable 8 months, their love and support has been humbling and encouraging.
Despite the police finding nothing illegal on my devices and a clean psychiatric evaluation, the prosecution pushed for a minor misdemeanor charge rather than dropping it entirely. The certainty of the plea, with no real consequences, is the best way to propel me forward to pursue a college education, a football career, and my life as a now 20-year-old.
The “no contest” plea is not an admission of guilt and I was not tried by the court, which means there was no conviction. The police have returned all my devices, as they do not contain any illegal material. And the University of Florida lifted the campus ban imposed during the investigation.
I understand there are many who will never get beyond the original headlines, but for those who want to look at this objectively, I hope this will provide details to see the truth. I know that with the continued love and support of those close to me – and hopefully some understanding from others – I will have a chance at the life I dreamed of and worked so hard for. I am determined to use my story to help others avoid the pitfalls of naive technology use.