Jackie Kennedy’s own excruciating injury from JFK’s assassination that she never recovered from… and all the other stunning revelations from MAUREEN CALLAHAN’s new book

An explosive new book from DailyMail.com columnist Maureen Callahan reveals the scandals that dogged Jackie Kennedy after JFK’s death.

The first exclusive extract appeared in the Mail on Friday ‘Don’t Ask: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed’Callahan revealed untold secrets about JFK’s 1963 assassination and his insatiable sexual appetite.

Now, in a new segment, Callahan examines Jackie’s scandalous marriage to her “gnome-like vulgar” second husband Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping billionaire.

Here we describe the ten most shocking revelations from the segment, from Aristotle’s secret bisexuality to Jackie’s yearlong affair with JFK’s married brother Bobby, and her hospitalization with an eating disorder:

Callahan investigates Jackie’s scandalous marriage to her “goblin vulgar” second husband Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping billionaire.


After JFK’s assassination on November 22, 1963, Jackie and her late husband’s brother, Bobby, bonded over their “shared trauma” and embarked on a “yearlong affair” during which the pair “went out to dinner in New York City, openly kissed and cuddled’. ‘

The affair came to an end when Bobby made his presidential bid in 1968. It is not clear whether Bobby’s wife Ethel ever knew.


Jackie’s second husband, Aristotle Onassis – whom she married in 1968 – was bisexual and “had a string of bought and paid for young men, some of whom he brutally beat after sex.”


The former First Lady “negotiated 170 clauses in her marriage contract” with Onassis, including rules about how often she would have sex with him. For her hand, Onassis paid Jackie “$3 million upfront and $1 million for each of her children.”


During their six years of marriage, Onassis often treated Jackie “like a prostitute,” summoning her from New York to Greece at a moment’s notice, to remind her, he said, of “what she really was.”

Onassis was an exhibitionist with whom he enjoyed having sex [Jackie] in places where people could see them,” including “behind a first-class curtain and in a tender attached to his yacht.”

During their six years of marriage, Onassis often treated Jackie

During their six years of marriage, Onassis often treated Jackie “like a prostitute,” summoning her from New York to Greece at a moment’s notice, to remind her, he said, of “what she really was.” (Image: Jackie swimming in Italy, 1962).


Cradling JFK’s head in her lap in the seconds after he was shot and killed in 1963 left Jackie with “permanent nerve damage” and “excruciating, pulsating pain in her neck” from which she never recovered.


In 1971, Jackie went to psychiatrist Dr. Marianne Kris, who diagnosed her with PTSD – caused by both the trauma of JFK’s own assassination and his “continued infidelity.”


After the National Enquirer posted a front-page photo of Jackie with her belly “looking swollen” with the headline “Is she expecting this or not?” she went “on a crash starvation diet” and ate so little that she “lost 24 pounds in nine days” and “ended up in the hospital.”

The former First Lady

The former First Lady “negotiated 170 clauses in her marriage contract” with Onassis, including rules about how often she would have sex with him. For her hand, Onassis paid Jackie “$3 million upfront and $1 million for each of her children.”


When Onassis’s 24-year-old son Alexander died in a plane crash in 1973, he blamed Jackie for his death and considered her the “living embodiment of the Kennedy Curse.” On one occasion, “he punched Jackie in the face and gave her a black eye.”


Whenever Jackie feared Onassis was cheating on her with opera singer Maria Callas, “she started showing his credit cards to the most expensive department in the world.” She bought “doubles and triples” of items, “sold half of her purchases and pocketed the money.”


Jackie insisted that the staff wash and iron her bedding – “12 pairs of hand-embroidered Italian pink sheets” – “every morning and every afternoon, after her daily nap.”