Jackie Kennedy spent entire week of her wedding to JFK on verge of canceling the nuptials, with Ethel Kennedy vowing to MURDER her if she nixed ceremony

Jacqueline Kennedy spent the week before her wedding to JFK threatening to call off the wedding – with sister-in-law Ethel even threatening to kill her if she did.

Adora Rule, a wedding planner assistant, opened up about Jackie’s pre-wedding jitters prior to her September 1953 ceremony at St Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode Island, in the tell-all biography “Jackie: Public, Private, Secret.”

According to Rule, who was 18 at the time, Jackie thought about canceling the wedding the entire week leading up to the ceremony. She even took a car ride that included Ethel Kennedy, wife of Robert F. Kennedy. Jackie had threatened to find her own way home after the ride.

“I swear to God if that girl leaves Bobby’s brother at the altar, I will kill her with my own two bare hands,” Ethel allegedly said. Boston sphere. “She doesn’t know how lucky she is to marry into this family.”

September 12 marked the 70th anniversary of former President JFK’s wedding to First Lady Jackie Kennedy

The couple married in 1953 at St. Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode Island – the same year he began serving as a senator from Massachusetts

At the time of the wedding, Jackie was 24 years old and JFK – nicknamed ‘Jack’ – 36

But the wedding almost didn’t happen, according to a wedding planning assistant for the couple who said Jackie suffered from cold feet the entire week before the wedding.

Jackie never left and the wedding went off without a hitch

Jackie never left and the wedding went off without a hitch.

However, the marriage was not perfect as reports of JFK’s infidelity circulated for years.

Jackie Kennedy reportedly confronted her therapist when she discovered she was also treating Marilyn Monroe, who had an affair with JFK.

The former First Lady began working with psychiatrist Dr. Marianne Kris after her husband’s murder, according to a new biography titled “Jackie: Public, Private, Secret,” acquired by People.

But she was left furious when she discovered her therapist had also been conducting sessions with her love rival Monroe.

The author of Jackie’s biography also claimed that Marilyn Monroe made a “disturbing” phone call asking Jackie Kennedy if she could speak to JFK just days after their affair at Bing Crosby’s Palm Springs home, an author claims.

The 70th wedding anniversary came just days after the Secret Service agent, who was with JFK on the day of his assassination in 1963, broke his 60-year silence about what happened the day of the fatal shooting.

Ex-Secret Service agent Paul Landis, 88, was assigned to protect First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy in Dallas on the fateful November day.

Landis said that in the chaos that followed the Dealey Plaza shooting, he picked up a nearly untouched bullet in the backseat of the open-top limousine.

Landis said the bullet was located just behind where the president was sitting when he was killed — so he placed it on Kennedy’s hospital stretcher to preserve it for autopsy investigators.

Ethel apparently said that Jackie ‘doesn’t know how lucky she is to marry into this family’

The newlyweds celebrated with a reception at the Kennedy family home – Hammersmith Farm – in Newport, Rhode Island

JFK and Jackie’s 70th wedding anniversary came just days after a new revelation by one of the former president’s Secret Service bodyguards

That bullet was the first piece of evidence in the murder investigation.

It has been said for 60 years that the bullet was found on the stretcher of Texas Governor John Connally, who was injured in the shooting. The bullet is said to have fallen from Connally’s thigh wound.

Landis believes the bullet he placed on JFK’s stretcher may have rolled onto Connally’s stretcher.

Landis’ revelation could overturn the “magic bullet” theory – which suggests the bullet did not pass through both Kennedy and Connally, as the commission investigating the assassination has ruled.

The ex-bodyguard’s claim means the bullet only struck Kennedy and not the governor of Texas, who was also injured in the shooting.

This means that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone and that there was more than one shooter.

According to the official findings of the Warren Commission, Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, who fired three shots into the motorcade from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building with a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle millimeter.

According to the report, one of the shots missed the column, another was the “magic bullet” that struck both Kennedy and Connally, and the final round fatally struck Kennedy in the head.

The ‘magic bullet’ theory suggests that both JFK and the governor of Texas were shot with the same bullet by Lee Harvey Oswald

Paul Landis, 88, revealed he found the bullet that hit JFK and placed it on his stretcher – which makes the ‘magic bullet’ theory impossible as it proves there must have been two shooters

The Kennedy family has been rocked by so many scandals and tragedies that there are rumors that they are “cursed.” Events attributed to the ‘Kennedy Family Curse’ include four plane crashes, a skiing accident and a lobotomy.

The famous deaths of Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr.

Recently, the ‘Kennedy curse’ led to the death of Saoirse Kennedy Hill, a granddaughter of former US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

The 2019 loss was a tragedy for the political dynasty that has long been rocked by assassinations and scandals.

Saoirse died of an apparent overdose on her family’s property on Thursday afternoon.

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