Jacinta Price’s brutal message to Anthony Albanese as she exposes the three things she thinks he has got wrong: ‘This is nation destroying stuff’

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has issued a bold message exposing the things she believes Prime Minister Anthony Albanese failed to achieve while governing the country.

Ms Price, the Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Northern Territory senator, wrote the open letter on Saturday condemning Mr Albanese.

The senator listed the things she believed the Prime Minister had failed to deliver in the time since Labor was elected, highlighting the failure to reduce the cost of living, immigration and the “divisive” Voice referendum.

Senator Price claimed Australian families were ‘worse off’ despite Albanese’s plan to curb the cost of living crisis, labeling his attempt an ‘astonishing failure’.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price (pictured) wrote a brutal open letter criticizing Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for his failed attempt to lower the cost of living

Senator Price also took aim at Mr Albanese's (pictured) immigration policy, labeling it a 'nation destroying things'.

Senator Price also took aim at Mr Albanese’s (pictured) immigration policy, labeling it a ‘nation destroying things’.

“The Australian people exercised their democratic rights and placed Anthony Albanese in the Lodge on the belief that he would cut energy bills by $275, lower the cost of living and leave families better off,” Senator Price wrote.

‘But the results are clear. None of that happened. Interest rates are even higher. Inflation has hardly decreased. And there’s no sign of that $275 discount.

‘Under Labour, an average family with a mortgage is now more than $35,000 worse off. What an astonishing failure.’

The Reserve Bank raised interest rates for the thirteenth time in eighteen months in November last year, taking the cash rate to a twelve-year high of 4.35 percent.

This has seen monthly mortgage payments rise by 67 percent, while tenants have had to endure large rent increases thanks to vacancy rates of one percent or lower in many parts of the country.

Hopes for a rate cut were dashed when the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed last month that inflation rose to 3.5 percent in March, up from 3.4 percent in February.

Senator Price then took aim at the Albanian government’s immigration policy, labeling it “nation-destroying stuff.”

‘But it gets worse. Because the government is now bringing in 1.67 million migrants in five years, in the middle of a housing crisis,” Senator Price wrote.

“This is nation-destroying stuff.”

Australia reached a new immigration milestone in February, with more than 100,000 foreigners arriving in just one month for the first time.

The milestone figure is eight times the number of new homes approved and will further fuel the worsening housing crisis.

Net inflows of permanent and long-term arrivals in February were 105,460 – almost double the level of 55,330 in January, new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed.

A record 548,800 migrants arrived in the period to September last year, with foreign inflows accounting for 83.2 per cent of Australia’s population growth.

The population growth rate of 2.5 percent, including births, was the fastest since 1952.

Senator Price claimed that Mr Albanese's push for the Voice referendum was another example of the Labor government's failure as it was a 'divisive' vote that endangered the unity of the country.

Senator Price claimed that Mr Albanese’s push for the Voice referendum was another example of the Labor government’s failure as it was a ‘divisive’ vote that endangered the unity of the country.

Senator Price also claimed the failed Indigenous Voice referendum was ‘divisive’.

“Of course, Albanians have already tried to destroy the unity and cohesion of our nation with his divisive voice,” Senator Price wrote.

‘But that is yet another example of the failure of the Labor government. Because, as you know, the voice has disappeared and Albanians have decided that the issues facing Aboriginal people, especially those of us in the Northern Territory, no longer matter.

‘He continues to offer platitudes and short-term cash injections and refuses to look at the real problems.

“He refuses to consider that Aboriginal people are Australians like him and should be helped on the basis of need, not race.”

After a seven-month campaign, the Voice referendum was defeated in every state and territory except the ACT, costing Australian taxpayers around $450 million.

The outspoken senator concluded her letter by describing Mr Albanese as a

The outspoken senator concluded her letter by describing Mr Albanese as a “political creature”, before naming opposition leader Peter Dutton (pictured) as the best person to lead the country.

Senator Price concluded the letter by labeling Mr Albanese as a “political creature” with “misplaced priorities” and “no accountability”.

“Anthony Albanese is obsessed with his legacy and his photo ops,” Senator Price wrote.

“He is a political creature who is already turning his attention to the elections instead of focusing on the problems you face.

‘That has been the pattern of the past two years. Misplaced priorities, no accountability and constant politics.

The senator identified opposition leader Peter Dutton as the best replacement for Albanese.

“Under the leadership of Peter Dutton, the third year will be about the fight for Australian families to kick out this self-centered government,” Senator Price wrote.