I’ve spent more than $360,000 to become a single dad-of-three after enduring years of rejection

A father-of-three has revealed how he spent more than $360,000 to become a single father of three after years of rejection.

Nathan Chan, from Alberta, Canada, used egg donation and surrogates to make his dream of a family come true – doing everything on his own.

The 39-year-old now has two daughters and a son, after more than a decade of battling adoption rejection, failed embryo transfers and miscarriages.

He hopes that by sharing his story, more men will dare to become single fathers.

Nathan Chan, from Alberta, Canada, used egg donation and surrogates to realize his dream of a family – he did it all himself

The 39-year-old now has two daughters and a son, after battling adoption rejections, failed embryo transfers and miscarriages for more than a decade.

‘Having children is the best decision I’ve ever made. I am a very proud single father,” Nathan said.

“For years I focused on traveling and working, waiting for the ‘right person’ to come into my life so we could be parents together, but I knew I wanted to be a father more than anything.

‘After six surrogate mothers and three egg donors and ten embryo transfers, my first daughter Nanette was born through my sixth surrogacy.

‘My other two children were born in the same year to different surrogate mothers.’

He added: “People come up to me and say I’m crazy, but I always take the opportunity to teach people.

‘People come up to me and say, “Oh, it’s daddy’s babysitting weekend” or “wow, you’ve got your hands full today,” and that’s honestly so insulting to any dad in a relationship or not.

‘We are not babysitters. Sometimes people will say I’m so ‘brave’ to do this alone, but as a single male parent I am perfectly capable of loving and raising children.

‘I do not regret it. For me, becoming a father is of inestimable value.’

Nathan now hopes that by sharing his story, more men will dare to become single fathers

Nathan first decided he wanted to be a father in 2010, but he faced fierce negativity from the people around him

Nathan first decided he wanted to be a father in 2010, but faced fierce negativity from those around him and was rejected by both adoption and foster agencies.

Becoming a father also came with a huge financial price tag, costing more than $361,000 in fertility treatments and expenses.

Nanette is the eldest at six years, daughter Neptune Nina will be three in August and son Newton will be three in May.

The children were conceived through three different surrogate mothers.

With only three months between the births of his son and youngest daughter, Nathan explains that he was so lucky to have the help of two tandem surrogates, and that his children are often mistaken for twins.

He said: ‘I certainly had my hands full with two newborns and a toddler, and I sometimes wonder how we ever got out of the house.

‘Being a single dad with three little ones isn’t for the faint of heart, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We are complete as a family.

‘I have been on quite a few adventures all over the world with the children so far. I went to Alaska, Disneyworld, Columbia and Mexico with all three.

“We’ve also been to Paris, Seattle, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.”

Nanette is the eldest at six years, daughter Neptune Nina will be three in August and son Newton will be three in May

Becoming a father also came with a huge financial price tag, costing more than $361,000 in fertility treatments and expenses

He continued, “I had to become more organized than ever, but I couldn’t imagine not doing these things with my little family that I strived so hard to have.

“I love experiencing all my favorite places with them.”

Nathan is also the founder and director of Proud Fertility – a surrogacy and egg donation consultancy in Canada.

He shared, “It is so rewarding to work with other families and help them grow.

“I hope that by sharing my story, I will inspire other single men who want to become fathers to explore all their options.”

When asked about his dating life, Nathan says there is no one special in his life other than his children, but he is open to the possibility of meeting someone.

He said: ‘I’m still very single, but I would welcome someone into our lives if he or she fits into our very unique puzzle.

‘My children are always my priority, but never say never.

“I have a full house and a full heart and I am completely outnumbered, but I am beyond blessed.”

When asked about his dating life, Nathan says there is no one special in his life except his children, but he is open to the possibility of meeting someone

Ready to celebrate his seventh Father’s Day this weekend, Nathan added: ‘It took over a decade to complete my family, but when I look at my children I know it was all worth it.

‘Being a father is a dream come true for me and every Father’s Day I contact all my surrogate mothers to thank them.

“My children are here because of their generosity and love and I am deeply grateful to the women who helped me.

‘Being a father of three children means everything to me.’

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