I’ve never used an ergonomic keyboard before – but this Logitech release has changed my mind for good

As a technology journalist, I type a lot. That may come as a shock to some of you, but it's true – and so when it comes to how I type, I'm pretty picky about the hardware I use.

In my home office, for a long time I used a Windows-optimized Logitech office keyboard that I designed for just the right amount of angle and comfort, in addition to an Ikea wrist rest that provided a fair amount of cushioning and comfort.

However, for the past few weeks I've been using the Logitech Wave Keys keyboard, and I have to say it has absolutely changed the way I type – and even the way I work in general.

Logitech Wave keys

Currently available for just £69.99, the Logitech Wave Keys were an instant hit for our sister site Ny Breaking, who described them as “great ergonomic device for office workers”.

The Wave Keys offers a built-in, padded palm rest that encourages not only your wrists, but also your hands and entire forearms to sit more comfortably. The Wave Keys further distinguishes itself from its competitors with its unique design.

The keyboard, described by Logitech as “wavy,” essentially bulges out in the middle, like a mini mountain formation rising above the plains, dividing the keys into two sections. The keys closest to the center rise above their compatriots, with extra cushioning that provides a truly tactile experience when typing.

It's something that feels incredibly strange when you start, but now that I've been using it for a few weeks, it's become very intuitive and familiar.

Typing all day means my forearms and wrists no longer get tired as they sometimes did when using a typical 'flat' keyboard, and the feel of multi-layered keys actually made my typing feel smoother, but also faster and more accurately. – generally.

Connecting via Bluetooth, the Wave Keys' installation was remarkably easy, and its neutral tone has made it a seamless part of my home desk setup.

So if you're looking for a more comfortable, stylish way to get better typing, but also to relieve pressure on your wrists and arms, then I'd definitely say you should give the Logitech Wave Keys a try – you might just enjoy be suprised.

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