I’ve lived in every major city in America – here are the three worst

  • TikTok creator Taylor Offer spilled the tea on the worst places to live in your twenties
  • The locations he is talking about are popular tourist towns
  • Reasons behind these choices have to do with his own personal experiences

A content creator has described the three worst places you can live in your 20s after spending time in almost every major American city.

In a video on TikTokTaylor Offer claimed that Miami, San Francisco and Nashville are the hardest places to live as a young adult.

Offer says that despite the fact that these locations are known for popular tourist attractions — including Miami’s sun-drenched beaches, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge and Nashville’s Country Music Hall of Fame Museum — he’s had unfortunate personal experiences.

Some of the reasons he uses to justify his choices include high prices, weather and nightlife.

Content creator Taylor Offer has listed the three worst cities in the US to live in in your 20s, based on weather, spending, nightlife and personal experiences

Offer wasn’t very fond of Miami, partly because of the hot and muggy weather for most of the year

According to Offer, the third worst city is Miami, a coastal city in South Florida.

He said: ‘Miami is great for a weekend – you go there and you think, “This is great.”‘

But he ultimately decided that if you live in Miami, “you’re going to hate it.”

He said, “For three or four months out of the year you can’t walk outside… You walk outside and you’re sweating within five minutes.”

“It’s miserable – you don’t want to leave your house.”

Miami has muggy weather year-round that Offer says causes people to sweat within five minutes

He named San Francisco the second worst city and stated that he had a terrible experience at this location in California.

Offer said, “Every morning there is fresh human feces on our doorstep. This is true, that actually happened to me.’

Housing and rent are other red flags Offer has in mind when he thinks of San Francisco.

He said: ‘It’s extremely expensive to rent, the male to female ratio is like twelve guys to one girl, which sucks in any bar. You pay thousands of dollars in rent wherever you are.”

Other issues he talked about were the roads and transportation that contribute to San Francisco being “terrible.”

He said: ‘You can’t have a car because people will break into it, you can’t walk anywhere because it’s so hilly, you have to Uber everywhere – it just sucks.’

The TikToker had several issues with San Francisco, including the nightlife that may not work in men’s favor

He admitted to finding “fresh human feces” outside his home when he lived in San Francisco

San Francisco is a popular city in California with the Golden Gate Bridge – a popular tourist attraction in the US that attracts millions of visitors every year

Nashville is known as a music city by some people in the US because of its illustrious history and love for country music. Downtown Nashville is also known for its nightlife and live music

Offer rounded out its three worst cities with Nashville – the capital of Tennessee that is also known as the music city.

He said, “It’s nice for a weekend; if you live there there is no healthy food. You immediately gain 20 pounds, they don’t believe in salads there.’

Offer added: ‘You drink so much beer everywhere you go that you get so dirty… It’s disgustingly hot and humid for six months.’

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