I’ve hated my dead sister all my life – my mother revolves everything around her, even my wedding day

An annoyed woman has revealed she has hated her late sister all her life after she died in a car crash.

Sarah, believed to be based in the US, used Reddit’s popular Am I The A**hole (AITA) thread to reveal the details of the difficult family dynamic.

She explained that the “last straw” came at her own wedding, when her mother brought up the occasion about her sibling who had died more than twenty years earlier.

And other social media users have been quick to voice their support.

Sarah, believed to be based in the US, took to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole thread to admit she has ‘resented’ her dead sister all her life – but most painfully during her wedding (stock image)

In the post, titled AITA for Resenting My Dead Sister My Whole Life?, the woman explained how she and her now husband got engaged last June

In the post, titled AITA for Resenting My Dead Sister My Whole Life?, the woman explained how she and her now husband got engaged last June.

“My mother never supported me and was indifferent to the proposal, which I had no problem with,” she wrote.

‘At my wedding, my husband’s parents gave a beautiful speech that brought me and my husband to tears.

“When my father and mother arrived on the platform, my heart sank because I realized that this speech would have nothing to do with me or my relationship.”

She continued, “My mother and my older sister had been in a car accident when I was 12 and my sister didn’t make it.

‘It was heartbreaking. My mother, my father and I had mourned since that day and I will never forget my beautiful sister Adelaide and her beautiful smile.

“My mother had it the worst of us and has since separated from me and my father, and our relationship is in a mess.”

Sarah further wrote about their dynamic: “She constantly makes every day, even MY birthday, about Adelaide, which always annoyed me a little, but I always brushed it off because I wanted to be a good daughter. But my wedding day was the final straw.’

Sarah revealed that things had come to a head in recent days when her mother arrived at the couple’s apartment and ‘demanded answers’ (stock image)

“When she got to the top of the platform, she took the microphone from my father and gave a speech about how her only wish in life was to see Adelaide get married and live a beautiful life.

“She talked about her grieving and healing journey during a yoga retreat and not once did she mention my name or my fiancé’s.

‘She spoke for about five minutes and then ended the speech in tears with ‘now my Sarah gets to live the life that Adelaide deserved, but was taken from too soon.’

Sarah explained that the situation had left her ‘absolutely furious’.

‘I didn’t want to ruin the day or let her get the best of me, so I didn’t make a scene, but I didn’t clap either, and neither did my fiancé.

‘After the wedding I didn’t approach or even speak to her for weeks. I thought she understood why.”

But she revealed things had come to a head in recent days when her mother arrived at the couple’s apartment and “demanded answers.”

She wrote: ‘I laughed at her and told her she should know that speech was not acceptable at my wedding and I wanted her to apologize, she refused so I just closed the door.

“My phone is blowing up with calls from both sides of my family. My fiancée’s family fully supports me, but most of my family, in their words, is disgusted by my actions.’

Other social media users flocked to the comments to support her, as one wrote: ‘I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through’

Other social media users flocked to the comments to support her, as one wrote: ‘I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through.

“You have lived in the shadow not only of your lost sister, but also of your parents’ obvious favorite child.

“It’s a match you never agreed to or wanted. It’s your time to shine, and if your parents don’t want to put you in the spotlight, they should leave the damn show.”

Another added: “It’s terrible what happened. I understand that your mother is grieving, but there is no excuse for her actions that harmed her remaining child.

“Grief is not an excuse to implode the lives of everyone around you and then suck them into your own misery.”

And a third said: ‘It’s not much to ask for your wedding day to be the only day they focus on you.

“I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sorry that your parents made you feel like you were living in your sister’s shadow. You deserve every happiness and I am happy that you have the support of your husband and his family.’

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