I’ve had enough of password frustrations – here’s how I’m finally fixing them in 2024

Passwords are annoying, let's face it: a necessary evil to keep us safe. None of us want to deal with these pesky little critters, but they are an inescapable part of online life. Things will change in the future – as a new, passwordless reality blossoms and password keys evolve. But for now, traditionally typed passwords remain widespread and need to be tamed.

There are simple ways to deal with passwords, some of which are terrible. Like having ridiculously simple passwords that are easy to guess. Or you can “remember” them by writing them all down in a notebook, where a curious person can find them and gain access to your online accounts, if they are of a nefarious nature.

Of course I don't do that – I abandon the very thought – I use mnemonics to make passwords complex enough, yet memorable, so that they don't have to be written down. But even that isn't an ideal way to deal with passwords, so I have some (admittedly boring) New Year's resolutions to vastly improve my relationship with passwords and my overall online security.

A person who uses the ExpressVPN Keys password manager on their phone and laptop.

(Image credit: ExpressVPN)

Take the plunge with a password manager