I’ve been with my boyfriend for six years – these are my 10 ‘controversial’ relationship rules that have kept us together

A friend has listed the ten “controversial” rules she and her boyfriend of six years have established to ensure a happy and long-lasting relationship.

Gia Aldisert of Los Angeles shared her list, sparking debate between those who felt the rules were “sensible” and those who felt they were “too strict.”

The rules include not following hot models on Instagram, knowing each other’s phone passwords, and not having best friends of the opposite sex.

The 21-year-old broker repeated in a long TikTok video several times that she and her boyfriend trust each other and “have nothing to hide.”

First, they both need to have their phone’s location enabled at all times for “convenience” and “security” reasons.

Gia Aldisert, 21, (pictured) and her boyfriend, 22, of six years, have a set list of rules to follow in their relationship. Some called the rules “sensible,” others called it “controlling”

“We both feel much more comfortable having each other’s locations in case something happens to one of us,” Gia began.

She added that it’s “convenient” to know where her boyfriend is without asking, especially if they meet sometime after work.

“Neither of us have anything to hide. It would be quite suspicious if we didn’t want each other’s locations to be seen, because it’s okay, where are we?’ she said.

Next, her boyfriend is never allowed to go to strip clubs.

“I just don’t understand a guy going to strip clubs with a girlfriend. It’s a bunch of naked girls dancing to him and there’s some raunchier stuff going on too,’ she said.

And don’t forget, why are you paying her bills? You should at least pay my bills.”

Some of the ten rules include not following hot models on Instagram, knowing each other’s phone passwords, having location settings enabled at all times, and not having best friends of the opposite sex

For the third rule, they are allowed to go on ‘girls’ trips’ or ‘boys’ trips’ with friends, because maintaining friendships and self-independence is important.

“We trust each other completely and started dating at a very young age, so we both think it’s important to experience our own things,” Gia said.

“If I want to go on a girls’ trip, I’ll go. And if he wants to go to a car show, he can go.”

There are some strict rules when it comes to social media and neither of you are allowed to like “thirst trap” posts on Instagram.

“Liking someone’s photo is completely public, so anyone can now see that one of us disrespects the other if he or she likes thirst-quenching people,” Gia said.

“It gives the person (in the picture) the idea that he or she has got their attention, which is a big no.”

In addition, they are also not allowed to follow Instagram models of the opposite sex, as it is deemed “inappropriate.”

“Why do you follow a random person you’re attracted to?” Gia asked.

What are the ten rules?

1. Both always have their phone location enabled

2. No strip clubs

3. ‘Girls trips’ or ‘boys trips’ are allowed

4. Not liking “thirst trap” photos on Instagram

5. Don’t follow Instagram models of the opposite sex

6. Both can have opposite sex friends, but they can’t be best friends

7. Both can go to nightclubs

8. Both know each other’s phone passwords

9. No porn should be viewed

10. They don’t get married until they are both financially free

Gia is happy that her boyfriend is friends with other women, but they can’t be best friends because it makes her uncomfortable.

“We’re each other’s best friends, so we have to be each other’s priorities,” she said.

“We also have some boundaries, like no sleepovers with the opposite sex and if someone of the opposite sex is flirty or something, that’s a big no.”

The couple can also go to nightclubs with friends and know each other’s phone passwords.

However, neither of them are allowed to watch porn.

“This one may be controversial, but I’m not cool with porn. I honestly think it’s really toxic to your mind, it gives you unrealistic standards and it’s super addictive,” she said.

“My boyfriend and I practically live together, so it just seems really unnecessary.”

As a final rule, the couple promised each other that they would not get married until they were financially stable.

‘I’m still a student, I need to be financially free before we get married. Not only are we super young, but weddings are also incredibly expensive,” she said.

“My boyfriend and I are both extras and we want to have the biggest, craziest wedding you’ve ever seen.”

The detailed video sparked a heated debate and the video has since been viewed more than 8.4 million times.

“Girl, these are fundamental rules for healthy relationships,” one woman wrote, another said, “This is a mature and healthy relationship.”

‘These seem very sensible rules to me!’ added a third.

Others, however, strongly disagreed.

“We trust each other completely,” but there are also 87 rules,” someone said.

Another said, “Sounds more like controlling and avoiding methods than dealing with and communicating each other’s insecurities and working on one’s own business.”

“Yeah, it’s really weird to have rules in relationships when you trust each other,” said another.

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