I’ve been living in New York for two years – here is my honest review of the city which felt like ‘hell on Earth’ at times

A user on TikTok shares what it’s really like to live in New York.

Dana Giles lived in New York for two years before moving back home last September, where she brought up all the “super cool things about living in New York.”

She said: ‘The food is great, the people are super cool, they’re not judgmental… The accessibility of everything – I could go on.’

However, despite the “super cool stuff,” Giles spoke about things she misses but couldn’t do in the city that is hell on earth.

“I miss the peace and quiet, I miss the space, I miss not having to deal with annoying management… I miss having my car,” Giles said.

Dana Giles lived in New York City for two years before leaving the state last September. She loved the city, but pointed out what people should consider before moving

The TikToker stated that the food in New York is great and that the people are

The TikToker stated that the food in New York is great and that the people are “super cool” and “non-judgmental.”

New York City is an expensive place to live – Giles said she and her roommate had to pay almost $5,000 a month for a 600-square-foot apartment in Manhattan

New York City is an expensive place to live – Giles said she and her roommate had to pay almost $5,000 a month for a 600-square-foot apartment in Manhattan

Giles spoke about the cost of living in New York, saying that the cost of a small apartment is more than most people are willing to spend, even with a roommate.

“Everyone knows New York is expensive,” Giles said.

She continued, “My roommate and I pay a lot…Almost $5,000 a month for a 6,000-square-foot apartment.”

Giles said inside a separate video that she lived in the Chelsea neighborhood on the west side of Manhattan and paid more for what she considers a prime location in the city.

“Plus, I think people who live in New York have to deal with things that people in other cities don’t want to have to deal with.”

Mice were an ongoing problem for Giles and her roommate, despite management and exterminators being aware of the situation

Giles' opinion of the town is that it is 'a bit dirty', as well as busy and noisy

Mice were an ongoing problem for Giles and her roommate, despite management and exterminators being aware of the situation. Giles’ opinion of the town is that it is ‘a bit dirty’, as well as busy and noisy

Giles mentioned a few examples that she felt were less than helpful, starting with the extreme difficulty of apartment searching.

According to Giles: ‘When I tried to find this apartment it was hell on earth. My roommate and I had to wait in very long lines, and people were having bidding wars on the spot while we were touring.”

Other things Giles mentioned that were difficult to deal with include real estate agent fees, paying a lot of money for a small home and mouse problems.

“We contacted management, they brought exterminators, and even if they fill all the holes so the mice can’t get in, the mice keep coming back,” she says.

New York City is also not the quietest city and could be cleaner, according to Giles.

“You just don’t get a lot of peace and quiet – like it’s a bit dirty, it’s busy, there are sirens going on when you walk outside.”

She added: ‘It’s very loud and it seems to increase your cortisol.’

New York City is a popular tourist destination and many areas are known to be busy due to New York's millions of locals and visitors

New York City is a popular tourist destination and many areas are known to be busy due to New York’s millions of locals and visitors

Giles believes the city 'really makes you grow' but is 'super glamorous'

Giles believes the city ‘really makes you grow’ but is ‘super glamorous’

Many are resorting to having their groceries delivered so they can avoid shopping.

Giles, on the other hand, enjoys doing his grocery shopping in person, and found it challenging to do so in New York City.

“I just want to be able to go to a grocery store, pick out the produce myself, put it in my car and drive home,” she said.

It is possible for New Yorkers to run errands in the city, but Giles said people may have to order a taxi to do so.

People who live in New York City and go to the grocery store may end up “carrying two heavy bags home” or “having to taxi,” she complained

Giles concluded, “I think this city really makes you grow… There are so many great things about New York, but I want to be honest about a few things because I know it’s super glamorous.”