I’ve banned my kids from watching Peppa Pig – she’s rude with an attitude problem, her mother is dumb, and her father is useless

A mother has banned all four of her children from ever watching Peppa Pig and other popular children's programs because the characters are 'rude, stupid' and have 'bad values'.

Brittany doesn't let her kids have a lot of screen time, but believes television can be used as a learning tool or as a “moderate form of leisure time.”

The mum has decided to draw a line with Peppa Pig due to the title character's 'creepy attitude problems' and the way she talks to her family and friends.

“Children are impressionable and always copy what they see and hear,” the mother said in a post.

“Apart from Peppa's attitude, the characters are caricatures: a perceptively unintelligent mother and an useless father (who is bullied because of his size).”

A mother has banned all four of her children from ever watching Peppa Pig and other popular children's shows because the characters are 'rude and stupid' with 'bad values'

She added: 'I don't think it's acceptable to show this to my children, who use characters on TV as role models.'

The mother claimed she became increasingly concerned that the 'values' shown on Peppa Pig would have a negative impact on her children.

Irish parents have criticized Peppa Pig in the past for the show's “horrible” and “offensive” content.

Brittany continued: 'Peppa Pig is deceiving – it's not as 'lightweight' as you might think. These underlying bad values ​​are imbibed by young children.'

The mother revealed that she has noticed a connection between her children's behavior and the media they consume. That's why she limits screen time and only lets them watch certain television shows.

'I recently discovered that my eldest had an attitude change and his imaginative play became aggressive and abusive after we watched (Netflix show) PJ Masks a few times, so I cut it down as quickly as possible!' she said.

The mum has decided to draw a line with Peppa Pig due to the title character's 'creepy attitude problems' and the way she talks to her family and friends

The mum has decided to draw a line with Peppa Pig due to the title character's 'creepy attitude problems' and the way she talks to her family and friends

Hundreds of parents agreed with Brittany.

'I can't stand Peppa Pig. We stayed away from her,” one person said.

“I hate how she talks about her friends. I don't allow Peppa Pig in my house. My youngest watched it once and I've been having problems ever since,” wrote another.

But many criticized her for being “overdramatic” about a “harmless children's show.”

'My child loves Peppa Pig, I don't see anything wrong with it. Peppa is a bit cheeky, but I've seen more positive influences from him watching it than negative ones. I watch it a lot with him and we talk about the characters and what they do.

'You can exert your own influence on what they consume. You can't censor the world around them, so why not teach them how to interpret what they see and make their own decisions about how to treat others?' wrote one mother.

A second said: 'This post is very stupid. Nothing about Peppa Pig is rude. The characters are very polite and intelligent, which makes it very educational.

'It also models positive social behaviour, such as sharing, taking turns, being kind to others and language development. I could understand it when a cartoon like Family Guy is said to be unsuitable for children, but not this one.'