ITV bosses could be forced to ‘act fast’ to stop This Morning ratings from plummeting even further

ITV bosses could be forced to ‘act quickly’ to prevent This Morning’s ratings from getting even worse after the show lost 170,000 viewers, an expert said today – while Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield again failed to make their fight a feud.

Figures showed that Monday’s episode was watched by an average of 726,720 people, compared to 894,000 on the same day last week. Peak viewership was also significantly down to 914,000 compared to 1.058 million on May 8.

The duo, on the other hand, attracted 1.3 million viewers for their Christmas show in 2022 and averaged 1.4 million in the first four weeks of 2021.

Viewers watching today’s episode described the atmosphere as “awkward,” with one tweeting that they turned off the show because they were “tired of seeing the fake smiles.”

Brand and culture expert Nick Ede said ITV bosses would act ‘quickly’ if ratings fell further.

Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield appear in a preview for This Morning today

He told MailOnline, “A drop in viewership will affect revenue and aAdvertisers can look elsewhere.

“I think they need time to see if this is a direct result of the problems with the presenters before they decide what to do. They’ll act pretty quickly.’

During a segment of today’s show that raised eyebrows online, Holly and Phil were told by astrologer Hagan Fox that an “awkward phase is coming to an end.”

The hosts went silent after his prediction amid their friendship spat.

“Jupiter is moving into Taurus for the first time in 12 years,” Fox said. It’s the best news for all of us. It’s been 12 years in Aries, which is a tricky phase. Now this is about luck. This is about self-care, self-love and just playing ball.”

Later audience questions answered by Mr. Fox included, “Should I go back to work?” and ‘Is this the right time for change?’ – prompting viewers to share grabs of the moments on Twitter.

According to body language expert Judi James, Holly showed “industrial strength” during today’s episode.

Ms James contrasted Holly’s behavior with the star’s co-presenter, Phillip, who she said seemed ‘anxious’ as he made ‘self-protective gestures’.

“Holly kicked off the show with what seemed like an energy and confidence boost as she stood with her arms straight at her sides in a subtle gesture of strength while it was Phil posing with his hands folded in front of his torso in a barrier ritual.” she told MailOnline.

“Holly was playful and held out her arms when Phil said her dress looked like a meadow, while Phil’s body language took on more barriers and apparently more self-protection.”

Phil’s comments on the show suggested he wanted to make it clear that he is still in talks with Holly, Ms James said.

He sounds so happy to indicate both his and Holly’s friendship and the fact that they talk to each other behind the scenes.

He said to her ‘You are a very good parker’ to inform us that he has been ridden by her in the past and his comment ‘We were talking about this for show’ came with an emphatic stab of the finger on the table. ‘

Insiders have described Phil as “increasingly withdrawn” on set, with one telling The mirror: ‘He seems down and spends a lot of time in his dressing room. We’re worried about him.’

It comes as Holly wrote a newsletter for her well-being brand Wylde Moon, which showed the star was in a reflective mood.

“The older I get, the more I realize how daunting the concept of the passage of time can be,” she wrote. “I can always remember my grandma saying things like ‘wait until you get to my age…then it really starts to fly by’ – and now I really get it.

Holly mimics a gun as she and Phil introduce a segment about a real man named James Bond

Astrologer Hagan Fox answered viewer questions including ‘Should I go back to work’

Another viewer, Angela, asked “Is this the right time for change?” – prompting viewers to share grab-of-the-moment on Twitter

“If this resonates with you, I’d like to share with you some advice that one of my friends gave me when we were discussing this very subject.

“She told me that instead of worrying about how fast things are going, we should look at things differently and realize that with every moment (big or small) that passes, we are creating a future full of joy, love and endless possibilities.’

Holly and Phil didn’t talk about their split when they returned to This Morning yesterday, but viewers described them as “uncomfortable” and “embarrassing.”

Today, a source suggested that public skepticism about the couple’s attempt to put up a united front could force ITV bosses to make a ‘tough decision’.

“This Morning’s relationship with its viewers is built on trust, and they need to believe that Holly and Phil’s friendship, and what they’re watching, is real,” the source said. The mirror.

The insider suggested that if this was no longer believed, ITV could be forced to replace Phil with someone else.

In her newsletter, Holly urged fans to try to look at the positive sides of life.

She wrote, “If we can remember to think about how lucky we are to make all these memories, the passage of time can feel very positive. It’s kind of like that old saying, “Time is a luxury valued by the wise.”

Phil was seen leaving his home today on his way to ITV’s London studios for This Morning

The pair (seen this morning) are embroiled in one of television’s biggest blowouts

Holly continued by revealing that she was inspired by this week’s “magnificent new moon,” which heralded a period of rejuvenation.

“It’s the perfect time to establish new affirmations, create vision boards, and put your focus on manifesting your goals.

“Let the creative energy flow within you and stretch your imagination to embrace its most extravagant dreams.”

Phil is trying to root out the ongoing feud after it emerged he had brought in his own lawyers over the argument with his co-host, sources have revealed. He has also hired a new PR man to improve his press coverage.

Senior figures at ITV called a crisis meeting after a flurry of negative feedback on social media about yesterday’s show.

After seeing the reaction on Twitter, with viewers watching both Holly, 42, and Phil, 61, ITV bosses are pondering what to do next.

A source told the Daily Mail: ‘Social media is used as a barometer to see what the public thinks. Those responsible were under no illusions that it was a total disaster.

It was painful for the This Morning team to work on it and just as painful for them to watch.

‘There was a meeting afterwards to discuss how things were going, that had been going on for a while. Honestly, everyone was so relieved it was over, but even if the show goes on for a while, it’s going to be a huge headache.”

One viewer posted, “Phillip Schofield thinks he can fool us with this fake fun “all is well act” when Holly looks visibly uncomfortable being there.”

Another said, ‘How fake is this? Wow, I couldn’t trust these two actors.’

A third wrote: “This is cringe. It feels uncomfortable to know that these two people don’t get along. Fake friends.’

Adding to the theme, one fan commented, ‘Well this is awkward! All a bit dead behind the eyes with fake smiles.’

Sources close to the couple insist the program will continue to run smoothly, despite the behind-the-scenes feud.

Writing in her latest newsletter for subscribers to her wellness brand Wylde Moon, Holly was in a reflective mood

Broadcaster bosses were reportedly furious after Phil broke his silence on Thursday night with a shocking statement about the spat with his co-presenter of 14 years admitting ‘the past few weeks have not been easy for us’.

Despite this, Phil believes he can weather the ongoing storm, but even those closest to him have said it has to do with whether the public believes the pair still have on-screen chemistry.

Sources at the broadcaster described the situation as a “dilemma” for the bosses, as both former friends were determined to get their way.

Phil has consulted lawyers about the situation, which has been spiraling out of control for months.

The Daily Mail revealed this weekend that he has also hired Gordon Smart, a former Sun showbiz columnist and occasional Good Morning Britain presenter, to manage the crisis and ensure favorable press coverage.

Alongside photos of herself at home with her dog, Holly wrote, “We are creating a future full of joy, love and endless possibilities.”

It’s a clear sign, sources say, that he’s “taking this very seriously” and “wants to get out of the situation quickly.”

The feud began in September when the pair faced criticism for not lining up for the Queen’s Lying in State.

It’s gotten so bad that it’s said they stop talking when the cameras stop rolling. Holly has now severed all ties with Phil except for her obligations to This Morning.

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