Moment shopper is targeted by India’s notorious ‘Itch Gang’: Criminals secretly cover victim in itching powder before stealing his bag in bizarre daylight theft

Shocking video shows the moment a gang carries out a robbery after sprinkling itching powder on their victim.

The viral footage shows the work of the Khujli Gang, also known as the ‘Itch Gang’, in Sadar Bazaar, Delhi, India.

A man carrying a bag, who was targeted by the gang, was filmed entering a shop.

He looks very uncomfortable and starts scratching his neck in panic.

A man is seen itching after being targeted by the Khujli Gang, who get their name from their bizarre methods

The victim is seen putting down his bag to treat his uncontrollable itch

Two members of the Itch Gang enter the store and immediately see the victim’s bag

But he can’t relieve the itch, so he takes off his T-shirt and puts down the bag.

While he is distracted, we see members of the gang enter the store.

One of the gang members walks around calmly, pretending to be shopping, grabs the bag and quickly runs away.

The theft went incredibly smoothly and effortlessly, but moments later the victim returns and realizes his bag is gone.

The gang has become notorious in India with many images of their crimes going viral.

In another video showing the work of the Itch Gang, a man is seen standing by his car next to a busy road.

A member of the gang walks around pretending to be shopping before grabbing the bag and leaving

The victim came back and saw that his bag was gone. He was gone for only a few seconds

The victim and the store owner leave the store and look around desperately for the stolen black bag

Suddenly he starts to itch and it seems so bad that he puts down a bag to take off his shirt and scratch all over his body.

But gang members are also seen hanging around the area and, at the right moment, brazenly stealing the victim’s bag, right under his nose.

By the time the itching stops, the victim looks around in panic and realizes that his bag is gone.

Delhi Police are investigating the crimes and are appealing to the public to report any suspicious activities.

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