Want to get married naked? Officials back beach on Italian island of Sardinia as venue for nude weddings

If your naked ambition is to get married naked, this Italian destination wants to hear from you.

Italian authorities have announced plans to make Is Benas Beach, a designated naturist area on Sardinia’s south-west coast, a destination for nudist weddings.

Luigi Tedeschi, the mayor of the nearby town of San Vero Milis, said the six-kilometre-long beach has been a popular nudist hotspot for years.

After it officially opened as a nudist beach in 2022, he claimed naturist weddings were the next logical step.

Tedeschi, who is said to have had the idea to designate some of the beach nudist community, said authorities decided to open it to nude weddings when a German couple wrote asking if it would be possible to have them in their birthday suit to get married on the beach.

Naturist couples will soon be able to get married in the wild on Is Benas beach (pictured) in Sardinia. The six kilometer long beach has been a nudist hotspot for years

He told CNN: ‘Nudity has nothing to do with sex. For [naturists] it is a philosophy of life, and connected to nature.’

‘It should be respected, so why not? We have this beach, a place that is ideal for naturism. And then we thought: let’s make a beach for weddings. If people want to get married naked, that’s possible.’

He added: ‘If someone has a problem, they can walk past or look at the sea.’

However, CNN reported that there have been no complaints among the 2,500 residents in the nearby town.

Sardinian authorities decided to open Is Benas Beach to nude weddings when a German couple wrote asking if it would be possible to get married on the beach in their birthday suits (file image)

The only question raised, Tedeschi joked, is whether he should be dressed to officiate or wear the fascia, the mayor’s sash.

While there were reports that brides should still wear veils, Tedeschi confirmed, “People can wear whatever they want.”

The mayor said the aim to organize nudist weddings on the beach is part of a larger initiative to create more nudist spaces on the Italian island.

He hopes it will attract a “respectful” kind of tourism, unlike the built-up parts of the beaches, which he says are often covered in rubbish.

The proposal was supported by Gabriele Rosetti, head of the Italian Federation of Naturists The times. “This is a first for Italy and we are all for it,” he said.

According to the website, Rossetti said Italy was ready for nudist beach weddings, but claimed other European countries were far ahead of Italy when it came to naturist culture.

“I had a house guest from the Netherlands who came to breakfast naked,” he said. “Not all of us do that.”

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