Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu slams Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas in venomous speech after his Foreign Ministry published document alleging Tel-Aviv’s own troops were responsible for October 7 massacre at Nova Festival, NOT Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized the leader of the Palestinian Authority after the Foreign Ministry claimed that Israeli forces killed their own people on October 7.

Netanyahu said in a speech: “Today the spokesperson of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah said something completely ridiculous. It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the terrible massacre at the Nova Festival near Gaza.

“It basically accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. But this is a complete reversal of the truth.

‘Aboo Mazen [aka Mahmoud Abbas, president of Palestinian Authority] has in the past denied the existence of the Holocaust, today it denies the existence of the Hamas massacre. And that is unacceptable.’

This comes after the official account of the Palestinian Foreign Ministry and Expats on X, formerly known as Twitter, published a document claiming that Israeli forces killed their own people on October 7.

In the deadly attacks, Hamas killed 1,200 people in Israel and took 240 hostages.

The Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Ministry posted the letter on X. The message has since been deleted

In the deadly attacks, Hamas killed 1,200 people in Israel and took 240 hostages (photo: location of the Nova festival after the attack)

The letter read: “According to Arab media, a preliminary investigation by Israeli police indicates that Israeli helicopters bombed Israeli civilians present at the festival and that the IDF is responsible for the widespread destruction in the region.”

The report also alleged that the IDF was using the ‘Hannibal Protocol’, which they claim allowed Israeli forces to kill who ever crossed their path.

It is known as a guideline to prevent Israeli soldiers from being kidnapped by using massive firepower.

The controversial policy is not yet formally in effect after Israel revoked it in 2016 Al Jazeera Analysts said voices in Gaza claim it is now being used.

The State Department letter concluded by demanding that foreign media organizations “specifically investigate Israeli reports.”

The message from the Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Ministry has since been deleted.

The letter (photo) read: “According to Arab media, a preliminary investigation by Israeli police indicates that Israeli helicopters bombed Israeli civilians present at the festival and that the IDF is responsible for the widespread destruction in the region.”

Netanyahu said in his speech: “My goal is that the day after we destroy Hamas, any future civilian administration in Gaza will not deny the massacre, will not train its children to be terrorists, will not pay for terrorists and will not telling them that their ultimate goal in life is to see the destruction and dissolution of the State of Israel’

Hamas fighters who attacked a nighttime music festival in southern Israel shot and killed partygoers at close range and then looted their belongings, car dashcam video verified by CNN shows

Footage shows the IDF destroying tunnels in Beit Hanoun, Gaza today

In his response to the claims, Netanyahu also said: “My goal is that the day after we destroy Hamas, any future civilian administration in Gaza will not deny the massacre, not train its children to be terrorists, not pay for terrorists and tell his children do not believe that their ultimate goal in life is to see the destruction and dissolution of the State of Israel.

“That is not acceptable and that is not the way to achieve peace.”

Meanwhile, the IDF has been preparing for their operation in South Gaza as hundreds of Palestinians accused Tel Aviv forces of forcing wounded civilians out of Al-Shifa hospital while searching for Hamas assets.

Israel prepared today to expand its offensive against Hamas into southern Gaza, warning civilians to move after dropping warning leaflets earlier this week.

The country vowed to destroy Hamas after the terror group’s October 7 attacks, in which its fighters killed 1,200 people and took 240 hostages.

As the IDF moved south, Palestinian officials accused the Israeli army of forcibly evacuating most staff, patients and displaced persons from Gaza’s main hospital Al-Shifa and leaving them to embark on dangerous journeys south on foot.

Hamas-led authorities in Gaza increased their death toll to 12,300, including 5,000 children, this weekend after further Israeli attacks.

The Israeli military has searched Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital in search of a Hamas command center they say is located beneath the facility – a claim Hamas and hospital staff deny.

The evacuation, which Israel said was voluntary, left only Israeli troops and a small number of health workers to care for people too sick to move.

Military spokesman Admiral Daniel Hagari said that at the request of the hospital director, Israel opened a safe corridor for civilians who were in the hospital to go south.

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