Islamic State wannabe Moudasser Taleb is released from jail in Australia


The would-be terrorist who was jailed for planning to fight for ISIS and sent behind bars again for gun possession is released back into the community

Jailed after planning a trip to Syria to fight for ISIS and thrown back behind bars for possessing a banned firearm, a Sydney man will now be closely watched after his release.

On Friday, the NSW Supreme Court issued an extended supervision order requiring Moudasser Taleb to be monitored for two years after he was released from Silverwater prison on December 9.

In granting this order, Judge Dina Yehia noted that the 27-year-old had a history of failing to comply with the court’s demands, including obtaining a double-barreled shotgun in violation of a firearms ban order.

In 2019, Moudasser Taleb (pictured) gave a finger salute to Islamic State after he was found guilty of trying to fight in Syria, despite claiming for years it was

In 2019, Moudasser Taleb (pictured) waved a finger at Islamic State after he was found guilty of trying to fight in Syria, despite claiming for years he was “just a tourist.”

He also pointed to reports from two psychologists that suggested there remained a risk that he would slip back into violent extremism.

“The imposition of an ESO would facilitate the holistic supervision of the defendant in order to manage the risk of him committing a serious terrorist offence,” he wrote.

In June 2019, the Bankstown man was convicted by a jury after planning a trip from Sydney to Syria to engage in hostile activities in support of Islamic State.

He gave the Islamic State one-finger salute after being found guilty.

Moudasser Taleb, who planned to fight for ISIS in Syria, will be carefully monitored for two years after his release from prison.

Moudasser Taleb, who planned to fight for ISIS in Syria, will be carefully monitored for two years after his release from prison.

Two years earlier, a police sting operation arrested Taleb at Sydney International Airport with a bag containing military clothing, a sleeping bag, tactical gloves, a solar charger and other equipment.

They also found him with more than 200 videos on his phone, including some showing beheadings, people holding ISIS flags, and battlefields.

After two years in custody, Taleb was released on a five-year good behavior bond to allow the offender, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a chance to rehabilitate.

Taleb was then put behind bars again in April 2021 after a loaded sawed-off double-barrel shotgun and shotgun shells were found at his home.

After two years in custody, Taleb was released on a five-year good behavior bond to allow the offender, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a chance to rehabilitate.

After two years in custody, Taleb was released on a five-year good behavior bond to allow the offender, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a chance to rehabilitate.

In June of this year, he was spared further jail time for this offense. However, the court imposed a three-year community corrections order that expires on June 6, 2025.

According to ESO, Taleb must report where he lives and works, what vehicles he drives and where he goes during the day, and will be required to wear an electronic tracker at all times.

You are also not allowed to transfer money abroad or give or receive funds of more than $1000 without permission from the police. Forced to hand over his passport, the Bankstown man will also be barred from leaving New South Wales without approval.

Limitations have been placed on what Taleb can do online and with whom he can associate, and prohibitions have been placed on engaging in acts of extremism or obtaining extremist material.

You are also required to attend psychological or psychiatric counseling and take any medication required by health professionals.

In its lawsuit, the State of New South Wales originally sought to keep Taleb in custody for another year. However, he later gave up securing these stricter orders.