Is this China’s Loch Ness monster? Bizarre ’50ft-long creature’ is spotted in lake

A woman has claimed to have seen the Loch Ness Monster after seeing a 50-foot creature in a small lake.

Captured on footage, Ms Li claims to have seen the bizarre creature while visiting Tianchi Lake in northwestern China on Aug. 31.

Ms. Li, from Shanghai, said she heard what sounded like a fish splashing in the water.

She told local media: ‘At first I thought it was several fish, but on closer inspection it turned out to be just one long, silvery creature.

“It felt like it could be about 50 feet long.”

Phone footage filmed by Li shows the lake’s still surface being disturbed by something swimming below, creating waves and ripples.

Pictured is a creature that a woman says is 15 meters tall in Tianchi Lake on Tianshan Mountain, Xinjiang, China

She claimed the creature moved in a regular pattern and swam quite fast.

Conservation staff later said they were unable to determine exactly what it was due to the unclear quality of the video and the lack of a clear description.

However, the staff added that similar situations have been reported by other tourists in the past, but they were also unable to identify the species due to the distance.

They added, “The imagination is quite vivid. We hope that there really is an aquatic animal that can satisfy everyone’s curiosity, but whether it exists or not is difficult to say.’

The staff also noted that well-known aquatic animals in Tianchi include rainbow trout. However, none of them are taller than a meter.

In 2020, a similar creature was alleged to have been “spotted” on the surface of the Tian Chi, or “Heaven Lake,” on Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province.

The alpine lake is known for the presence of a mysterious beast – the Chinese equivalent of the Loch Ness Monster – reportedly first sighted nearly sixty years ago.

The mountain ranger, Xiao Yu, told MailOnline that he saw the six-foot-tall creature while patrolling the scenic spot.

Eerie footage captured by the worker, Xiao Yu, shows a black round object floating on the surface of the Tian Chi, or “Heaven Lake,” on Changbai Mountain in northeastern China

Since the first reported sighting in 1962, dozens of people have claimed to have witnessed what was believed to be the Heaven Lake monster.

Xiao Yu, who has worked in Changbai Mountain National Park as a souvenir shop assistant for the past ten years, said he saw the unusual object in the middle of the lake.

“I went to Heaven Lake as usual to film footage,” Xiao Yu, 28, told MailOnline. “I didn’t notice it at first, but suddenly I saw a black dot.”

The images, filmed from a viewing platform 500 meters above the lake, show the black round object lying still on the surface of the water.

You hear the park employee say, “An unknown object appeared at Heaven Lake. The black spot looks small (on the video), but it’s actually quite large.’

The “mysterious beast” remained visible for several minutes while the mountain ranger filmed the video. Finally he left and went back to work.

“I’ve had similar sightings before, but they were clearly fishing boats,” Xiao Yu added. “But this time I couldn’t tell what it was. It certainly wasn’t a boat.’

The protected lake, which covers 4.9 square kilometers, is located on the border between China and North Korea.

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