Is the mystery of Alex Murdaugh’s missing clothes solved? Housekeeper Reveals She WASHED Khaki Pants


The mystery of Alex Murdaugh’s missing clothing may have been solved today, as his housekeeper testified about washing the khakis he was seen wearing the night of the double murder, but never seeing his shirt or shoes again.

Blanca Simpson said Friday at her double murder trial that Alex told her to go home and clean up the day after Maggie and Paul were killed in the kennels on the estate in Moselle, South Carolina, on June 7, 2021.

Despite the policemen at the crime scene, the housekeeper was able to walk through the house without interruption where she found the khaki pants that he was seen wearing the night of the murders next to a puddle of water on the floor next to the shower. His bathroom.

Simpson said he found a wet towel and a T-shirt in the closet in the apartment. The housekeeper told the jury that she took her clothes to the laundry because Alex had told her to go “fix things.”

Murdaugh was wearing a blue shirt, khaki pants and brown shoes the night of the murders according to a Snapchat sent by Paul at 7:46 p.m. But when police arrived shortly after 10 p.m., he was wearing a white T-shirt, shorts and sneakers.

Blanca Simpson testified that Alex told her to go home and clean up the day after Maggie and Paul were murdered in the kennels on the estate in Moselle, South Carolina, on June 7, 2021.

Murdaugh was wearing a blue shirt, khaki pants and brown shoes the night of the murders according to a Snapchat sent by Paul at 7:46 p.m.

Murdaugh was wearing a blue shirt, khaki pants and brown shoes the night of the murders according to a Snapchat sent by Paul at 7:46 p.m.

Murdaugh was wearing a white T-shirt and shorts when police arrived and appeared clean.

Murdaugh was wearing a white T-shirt and shorts when police arrived and appeared clean.

Prosecutors played the video taken by Paul. Simpson told jurors that he never saw that sea foam shirt or loafers again. He also said there was a pair of Sperry boat shoes missing from the closet; he never saw them again either.

Murdaugh’s mother’s caretaker previously testified that when he visited his parents’ home in Almeda around 9 p.m. after the murders, he was wearing Sperry-type shoes.

Simpson said that one day in August 2021, two months after the murders, Alex visited her home in Hampton and seemed distraught and said something was wrong, mentioning a video of him.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” he said Murdaugh told him.

He asked him if he remembered the ‘Vinny Vines’ (Vineyard Vines) T-shirt he was wearing on the day of the murders.

“I didn’t say anything, but I was a bit surprised because I didn’t remember that,” she told the court. “I don’t know what he was trying to get me to say, if you asked me, that was the shirt I was wearing.”

This is the second time a prosecution witness has suggested Murdaugh gave them instructions on what to say. His mother’s caretaker, Shelly Smith, testified Monday that he told her she was visiting her parents’ home for 40 minutes the night of the murders. But she remembered that she was only there for 20 minutes.

Simpson said she found out about the murders when Alex called her early the next morning.

“He seemed shaky on the phone and said ‘Blanca, they’re gone.’ It didn’t cross my mind that they were dead,” she testified, but then Alex told her, ‘Blanca, they’re dead.’

The housekeeper said he dropped the phone on the floor and then went directly to Almeda, where he and Buster were staying at his parents’ house.

Alex Murdaugh with his wife Maggie, eldest son Buster, right, and youngest son Paul, left

Alex Murdaugh with his wife Maggie, eldest son Buster, right, and youngest son Paul, left

Is the mystery of Alex Murdaughs missing clothes solved Housekeeper

He went to meet Alex and Buster to see how they were doing. Then Alex sent her to Moselle, telling her to ‘make things right the way Maggie liked things because you knew her better’.

He told her to go to the front because there were a lot of policemen in the kennels.

Simpson told the jury about various irregularities when he arrived at the house, including an oddly stored pot and clothes placed in the middle of the floor.

Arriving, she first went to the kitchen where she saw that the pot of dinner she had prepared for the family the night before was missing from the stove.

The housekeeper said that Maggie usually left the pot out for her to clean and that she ‘very rarely’ tidied up the food.

However, the entire pot with the lid on was inside the fridge. Simpson said this was ‘unusual’ and she recalled: ‘I was like who did this?’

Outside the kitchen he found Maggie’s pajamas ‘neatly on’ on the floor in the middle of a doorway with a pair of underwear.

“That was very unusual,” Simpson told the court, “it just didn’t feel right to me.”

‘She didn’t wear underwear with her pajamas. The underwear appeared to be clean, it still had crease marks on it,” she said.

During cross-examination, she was told by defense attorney Dick Harpootlian that there were dozens of people in the house before her, including friends and law associates, which could explain how food was kept in the refrigerator.

Buster Murdaugh, his girlfriend Brooklynn (right) and Alex's sister Lynn arrive at court on Friday.

Buster Murdaugh, his girlfriend Brooklynn (right) and Alex’s sister Lynn arrive at court on Friday.

Murdaugh listens to Simpson's testimony on Friday

Murdaugh listens to Simpson’s testimony on Friday

Harpootlian asked about the Murdaughs’ relationship. Simpson said that the couple rarely argued and that Alex “adored” Maggie.

Simpson told jurors that Murdaugh described Maggie as “his everything.”

He adored her. He loved her,’ she said.

Simpson said: ‘I never saw them argue. Just some minor disagreements.

She gave an example of redecorating her Edisto Beach home, saying there were opposing views on paint colors.

Maggie had complained that she “wanted Alex to sit still for 10 minutes so she could talk about it.”

Simpson agreed with Harpootlian that this was a “common complaint between husbands and wives” and said that she and her own husband had said similar things about each other.

Prosecutors said today that they expect to finish presenting their case next Wednesday.

They State says Murdaugh shot Maggie and Paul to divert attention from financial crimes that had come to a head as “a gathering storm.” He faces between 30 years and life in prison if he is convicted of the murders.

Murdaugh faces nearly 100 other criminal charges unrelated to the slayings, ranging from robbery to running a money and drug laundering ring, tax evasion and fraud for trying to arrange his own death in a roadside shooting in September. of 2021 so that his surviving son could receive $10 million. in life insurance.


Alex Murdaugh, 54, is accused of shooting his wife, Maggie, 52, and their youngest son, Paul, 22, at the family’s hunting estate in Islandton, South Carolina, on the night of March 7. June 2021.

These are the key events in the timeline established by the prosecutors:

at 19:56Paul sent a Snapchat video to friends showing the 22-year-old strolling around the estate with his father.

at 20:15, Murdaugh’s wife, Maggie, came home and the trio had dinner together. Autopsies showed similar stomach contents in Maggie and Paul.

around 20:30Paul’s phone starts moving towards the kennels.

Then at 20:44a second video taken by Paul at the kennel, soon to become the crime scene, purportedly proves that Maggie, Paul, and Alex were together.

at 20:49 the indictment says Paul’s phone was locked and silent forever, never to send another text or make another call.

Between 9:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.Paul and Maggie were murdered, according to the coroner.

at 21:06Murdaugh’s car is running.

The alleged killer said he went to visit his mother, who is in the last stages of Alzheimer’s disease, in Almeda, about a 15-minute drive away.

at 22:07Murdaugh called 911 claiming he had come home to find his wife and son shot dead.