Is Jada Pinkett Smith’s Shocking Memoir a FLOP? Book revealing Will Smith’s seven-year divorce fails to reach the top 10 of bestseller lists

She left her fans and critics jaws on the floor when she revealed that she and her husband Will Smith had been separated for seven years and had been living apart, despite presenting the image of a happily married couple.

But now Jada Pinkett Smith’s new memoir Worthy — in which she shared the status of her marriage and numerous other revelations — appears to be performing poorly on some major bestseller lists.

The 52-year-old actress released the book on October 17 and it managed to grab the number three spot on the Amazon chart for the week of October 22, which lists the ‘Top 20 Best Selling and Most Read Books of the Week’ is mentioned.

She finished just behind Britney Spears’ even busier memoir The Woman In Me and David Grann’s Killers Of The Flower Moon, which returned to the top of the charts thanks to interest in Martin Scorsese’s Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro-starring film of the same name . .

But on Amazon’s main bestsellers list, Worthy had fallen to just No. 81 as of Tuesday Newsweek.

No moving units: Jada Pinkett Smith, 52, scored in the top 10 of several major bestseller lists after releasing her buzzy memoir Worthy last week; seen on October 17 in NYC

Shocker: The memoir, which contained shocking revelations about her relationship with husband Will Smith, couldn’t even be fully included on some lists

By Wednesday evening it had fallen another three places to number 84.

Notably, the main bestsellers list only tracks sales, while Jada’s book is in the top three of online retailers’ charts, which track both sales and the number of Kindle readers and Audible listeners who read the book, which points out that more people were interested in her memoirs. than were willing to spend money for a copy they could own.

The Matrix star’s book also struggled to get readers to leave a review on Amazon.

The shopping list shows on Wednesday that only 148 people left a review on her book, compared to the 1,043 people who reviewed Britney Spears’ memoir, which was only released on Tuesday.

Worthy was completely missing from Amazon’s list of the 100 best-selling Kindle books.

However, it did top the specialty list of ‘Women’s Biographies’.

It was also absent Publishers weekly‘s top 25 overall bestsellers, and it also didn’t make the top 10 of the nonfiction bestsellers list.

Barnes & EdelWorthy’s bestseller list also lacked an entry for Worthy in the top 100, but John Stamos – whose book was released after Jada’s – scored a spot in the 1930s with his memoir.

However, another celebrity memoir – Britney’s – graced the number one spot, while Killers Of The Flower Moon – which is six years old – also secured a spot in the top 10.

Not paying: Jada scored number three on Amazon’s list of the most sold and read books, but she fell way to number 84 on the list that purely measures sales; seen with Will in 2022

MIA: It missed the Publishers Weekly top 25 and Barnes & Noble’s top 100. The book included details about her relationship with Tupac; seen on October 17 in NYC

Good news: However, the prestigious New York Times bestseller list placed Worthy at number four for combined print and e-book bestseller, and number three when it comes to physical copies alone; seen on October 18 with Willow, Trey, Jaden and Will

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new memoir and self-help book, Be Useful: Seven Tools For Life, also tops several lists or ranks high, indicating that readers were not opposed to all books written by celebrities.

Jada may not have to worry too much about her book’s sales, however, as it still features prominently on what is widely considered the most prestigious of all bestseller lists: the New York Times list.

The Times has Worthy at number four on its list of combined print and ebook bestsellers, and she had the third most popular nonfiction book when looking only at sales of physical hardcovers.

The Times’ list is not a purely objective ranking of sales, as it also attempts to exclude books that try to game the system through bulk purchases.

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