Is it possible to delay your menstrual cycle without taking hormonal pills?

There are moments and times in life when you might like to delay your menstrual cycle. Whether that is an important event or vacation, menstrual bleeding and PMS symptoms can be very inconvenient and unpleasant. You may wonder if taking hormonal pills are necessary, abortion clinic will discuss the natural solutions for this issue and do they really work.

Food and remedies

Lemon and lime juice

Lemon and lime juice are highly acidic and rich in vitamin c. Its believed that adding this fruit juice to hot water days before the period can provide light blood flow. As there are no researches to support these claims, be aware that highly acidic fruit can cause gum, teeth, mouth, and stomach irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Its widely believed that this vinegar can work miracles on the menstrual period. Diluted with water or other juice can be safe to drink. Otherwise, high acidity can damage teeth, mouth, and through tissue. There are no scientific resources that can prove the impact of apple cider vinegar in delaying the period, on the contrary, it can actually cause menstruation and affect period regulation. 


Papaya can increase the blood flow in the uterine. Carotene, the substance that can increase the level of estrogen is compound in papaya, so pregnant women are advised to avoid papaya in their diet cause of its ability to promote contractions. 


Popular beliefs are that lentil powder consumed in smoothies or soup can delay the period date, and reduce bloating and stomach ache. There is no scientific evidence that lentils can delay or benefit PMS symptoms, nonetheless, the content of the fiber in lentils can potentially cause flatulence and digestive problems, bloating, and distress.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is a tasty, aromatic, and rich antioxidant. It is suggested that cinnamon tea can help and prepone heavy menstrual periods but there is no scientific confirmation that cinnamon can induce the menstrual cycle, however, this spice can increase body temperature.

Avoid Spicy Food

Spicy food is known for its ability to increase estrogen levels and blood pressure. Consuming spicy and hot food might trigger your menstrual cycle, so consider it to avoid before your expected date.

French Beans

It’s a widespread belief that French beans boiled in water for a few minutes, and mixed with juice can delay the period. Even though there are no proofs for this constellation, drinking french beans is safe to consume.

Physical influence

Uterine Massage

Oil massage of the abdomen is considered to reduce menstrual cramps and bloating and delay the menstrual cycle. Although there are no guarantees that this will give the desired results, it doesn’t have side effects either.


Energy is required for fulfilling the menstrual cycle. It is noticed that the menstrual cycle can delay in women that heavy exercise. Remit happens because exceeding physical activity causes a lack of available energy for the body to recover and triggers a menstrual period. Professional female athletes have a higher risk of amenorrhea (loss or irregular menstrual cycle).  Despite this fact, there are no confirmations that exercise can purposely delay the period.

Final Thoughts

Most natural remedies and physical treatments are relatively safe to try, but their efficiency is highly questionable and most likely unattainable. You can try the above mentioned natural ways to hat your period and see if they will work for you, as there is no fear that they will negatively affect your menstruation or hormones if not excessively consumed. If for any reason you want to delay your period, talk to your gynecologist for the most efficient options. Hormonal changes after postponing your period should be under supervision.