Is it just me or does being told to keep calm stress you out, asks LINDA KELSEY
Is it just me or do you get stressed out when you’re told to keep calm, asks LINDA KELSEY
Hot on the heels of the International Day of Happiness (March 20, in case you missed it) and the National Day of Reflection on March 23, comes Stress Awareness Month which, as the name suggests, runs all of April runs.
I can hardly keep up. It seems that being calm, calm and collected has become a duty rather than an addition to a well-led life.
Something we are not only encouraged to strive for, but to achieve.
I feel burdened by the knowledge that unless I find my zen, it will somehow be my fault if I have an anxiety-related heart attack.
It seems that being calm, calm and collected has become a duty rather than an addition to a well-led life
It doesn’t matter if I eat healthy and exercise, I now have to spend precious time focusing on my unhelpful breathing patterns.
And while I applaud the acknowledgment of mental health issues because it helps remove the stigma, a kind of guilt culture develops because you don’t pay as much attention to your mind as you do to your body.
Instead of being soothed by the help offered, I am more tense than ever
I feel burdened by the knowledge that unless I find my zen, it will somehow be my fault if I have an anxiety-related heart attack
The wellness industry is booming and economic gloom is a boon to those willing to give us gear to boost the $1.5 trillion global wellness market
That can undermine the very things that health advocates are trying to achieve. Meanwhile, self-care has become a phrase to raise money.
The wellness industry is thriving and economic gloom is a boon to those who want to give us gear to boost the $1.5 trillion global wellness market.
From endless apps and sleep aids (I forgot to mention March was also National Bed Month) and corporate workshops, my anxiety is under constant commercial assault.
It doesn’t matter if I eat healthy and exercise, I now have to spend precious time focusing on my unhelpful breathing patterns
Instead of being soothed by all the help these products provide and festive days and months that promise to improve my karma, I am more tense than ever.
I won’t be the only perpetually anxious worrier who finds that talking about being mindful and meditative sends stress levels skyrocketing.
Please give me a nice, stress-free, peaceful break.