Is banana peel ‘natural Botox’? Experts weigh in on the TikTok trend that promises wrinkle-free skin… and it’s not as useless as you might think

Social media influencers are slapping banana peels on their faces in the hope it will give them plump, glowing skin – a ‘natural’ alternative to anti-aging Botox injections.

Katie Jane Hughes, a New York-based makeup artist with 286,000 followers, posted a video on April 7 of herself trying out the trend, hoping to demonstrate the “natural Botox effect.”

Spreading the peel on her face made her skin feel softer, her pores tighter and her face overall more “plucked,” Ms Hughes said in her video, which has been viewed 750,000 times.

The cosmetics influencer was so impressed with the results that she said she would try the trend again.

However, doctors are not convinced.

“There is no topical supplement or nutritional supplement that will provide the same effect as Botox when you inject it,” says Dr. Geeta Yadav, a dermatologist based in Toronto. posted on TikTok in response to the trend.

‘There is no scientific evidence to suggest that rubbing a banana peel on your face will help’ with wrinkles, dark circles or inflammation Dr. Taylor Bullocksaid a dermatology resident at the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Yadav said that although banana peels have antimicrobial properties, the benefits are so small that you are unlikely to notice them.

Instead, she recommended an over-the-counter skin product like vitamin C serum.

Despite doctors’ opinions, social media users are big fans.

User ruri123ds commented on Ms Hughes’ video, saying: ‘I use it all the time, love it (heart eyes emoji)’.

“My grandmother would use egg wash at night and banana or mango peel in the morning. That woman had no wrinkles on her face,” user kiloalphayankeealpha also said.

Banana peels are high in antioxidants, which can help protect your skin from sun damage. But there may be more efficient ways to incorporate this into your skincare routine, experts say.

It is believed that all the skin benefits you can get from banana peels are due to the high amount of antioxidants found in the fruit.

Antioxidants are compounds that absorb harmful particles called free radicals, which can cause stress and damage to DNA over time, Dr. Bullock said. They occur naturally in many foods such as blueberries, green tea and cocoa Harvard Health Publishers.

Antioxidants can help fight cellular damage caused by UV rays from the sun, smoke and pollution.

But banana peels are probably not the most efficient way to increase your antioxidant intake. Antioxidant products applied to the face, such as vitamin C serums, are likely more powerful ways to reap the skin benefits.

“In theory, you could probably get some antioxidants by rubbing the peel on your skin,” Dr. Bullock said. “If your goal is to have a skin care routine full of antioxidants, you are much better off applying an antioxidant-rich skin care product to your face.”

Although Dr. Bullock and Dr. Yadav doesn’t recommend specific products, many different companies offer antioxidant serums and lotions that you can incorporate into your routine.

They vary in price from those found at the beauty salon for $10 for those found on a medical spa for $182.

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