Iran is outlawed

Using a VPN service is now illegal in Iran, “except for those with a legal permit.”

The ruling was imposed by a new resolution issued on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, by the country’s National Virtual Space Center and signed by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

The new ban adds to the already precarious situation on the open internet in Iran, as citizens battle against increasing government-imposed online censorship, speed limiting and surveillance.

‘Fear of the power of the internet’

“By making unauthorized VPN use illegal, the regime is not only violating the basic human right to freedom of expression, but also isolating the Iranian people from the rest of the world and depriving them of the benefits of the digital age,” he said. Azam Jangravi. Information security analyst at CitizenLab and women’s rights advocate told me.

Iranians have long lived with some of the most restrictive internet environments in the world. Countless websites are blocked or filtered by the government every day in an ongoing attempt to gain control over the information that citizens can and cannot access. Social media blackouts are especially prominent during times of political unrest, such as the protests that took place across the country in 2022 and 2023.

Short for Virtual Private Network, a VPN is security software that spoofs a user’s IP address location to grant access to otherwise geographically restricted content online. It also encrypts internet connections, meaning Iranians can use their power to push back on growing government surveillance as well.

“VPNs are one of the few tools that allow Iranian users to access the global internet and express themselves freely on social media platforms,” Jangravi said.

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Iranian VPNs have been crucial in bypassing restrictions and sharing the courageous actions of women challenging the regime against mandatory hijab rules, for example during the Women, Life, Freedom uprisings. But even though VPN censorship is also high in the country, it is difficult for authorities to effectively keep up with this cat-and-mouse game with providers.

According to Jangravi, the new resolution is “a clear sign of the regime’s fear of the power of the Internet and the potential of the Iranian people to question its legitimacy and demand change.”

Similar comments were echoed by US government spokesman Matthew Miller, who accused Tehran of “stifling information that people need to make decisions about their lives and decisions about their future.” Iran International reports this.

In addition to dissidents, entrepreneurs and even politicians have reportedly turned to VPN apps to access blocked online content. Small companies are paralyzed through daily reductions in internet speed and web filtering. According to a recent report, Iran’s internet is among the worst in the world for connectivity due to these “self-inflicted” disruptions.

Therefore, commentators fear that the new ban could also deal another blow to the country’s economy And digital freedoms of citizens.

Jangravi said: “I hope that the international community and technology companies will stand in solidarity with the Iranian people and support their struggle for digital rights and democracy.”

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