iOS 16 continues to drain my iPhone battery – but is there a fix on the way?


Ever since iOS 16 was released for iPhone 8 and above, users have continued to complain about faster battery charging since updating to the latest version of iOS – including myself on my iPhone 13 Pro.

The latest update brings widgets to the lock screen, so you can put a weather or countdown widget there, and pressing it will launch the respective app, choosing different fonts and colors to make the lock screen your own.

In addition, however, there are improvements in almost every app and menu, such as Photos, where you can lift an object from an image and place it elsewhere.

However, since using the update, I’ve noticed that my iPhone reaches 20% by the time the afternoon comes, rather than when I’m watching a documentary on Netflix in the evening.

And it seems like I am not alone (opens in new tab). While we’ve approached Apple for a comment, I’ve been researching what could be the reason for the faster drain, other than it being a bug.

Batteries not included

(Image credit: Ditching)

One feature of iOS 16 that I love is the haptic keyboard switch – so there’s a little vibration with each press. However, it’s understandable to assume that this is a factor in the battery draining faster so I turned it off.

There are tons of lock screens you can create in iOS 16, but there are also some, like the astrology and weather screens, that need to track your location or constantly refresh itself for the latest temperature so it can stay on top of the lock screen. from your iPhone.

I deleted these and left a static image instead, with a few widgets from obscura (opens in new tab) and Things 3 (opens in new tab).

But by disabling these features and letting my iPhone display how it was on iOS 15, the drain still continued, so it looks like it’s a bug.

Apple has already released iOS 16.02 (opens in new tab) which fixes a number of issues, including a constant Paste prompt that would pop up whenever users tried to copy text to another app.

With iOS 16.1 already available as a public beta for testing, we may see a fix coming in this latest update to fix these battery issues, and hopefully I’ll charge my iPhone once a day again.

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