Invited guests take to social media to post selfies as they arrive at Westminster Abbey

Were here! Invited guests are taking to social media to post selfies from Westminster Abbey as they arrive for the coronation

VIP guests invited to attend King Charles’ coronation at Westminster Abbey this morning have taken selfies ahead of the historic occasion.

Selected individuals, from well-known actors and singers to NHS workers and bus drivers, lined up a mile from the abbey from 6am this morning.

The official ceremony doesn’t start until 11 a.m., but most got up early to grab one of the top 2,300 seats inside.

Attendees include stars such as Lionel Richie, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Stephen Fry, Nick Cave and magician Dynamo, while Dame Emma Thompson excitedly gave a thumbs up.

Excited guests who were first through the doors were seen taking photos and selfies as they took their seats.

Among the crowds was bus driver Simon Taylor who took a photo to show off the beautiful abbey behind him.

Another woman, Nurse Carol Panday, beamed as she snapped a photo with one of the pastors before service later this morning.

More than 100 million people around the world are expected to watch the first coronation of a British monarch in 70 years.

King Charles has been heir to the throne since the age of three, and is now ready to finally embrace his destination day with the woman he loves by his side.

The abbey was full just before 9am.

Carol Panday is one of the guests invited to attend the ceremony at Westminster Abbey today

Bus driver Simon Taylor (pictured), dressed and ready for the historic ceremony, takes a selfie to mark his arrival

Another guest, one of the honored 2,000 people invited to the historic day, poses across the river from Westminster Abbey as queues to enter the building

Another cheerful participant points to Westminster Abbey as he prepares to take his place inside for the ceremony

Three invitees, wearing medals of honor, pose at Westminster Bridge as they queue to enlist

A guest shared an image of the service booklet for the coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla

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