International Birth Photography Award winners capture breathtaking moments including mothers giving birth and fathers holding their newborn

Photographers from all over the world have captured the extraordinary, miraculous moment of birth in an enchanting series of raw images.

The breathtakingly intimate images, featured in this year’s International Birth Photography Awards, convey both the pain and ecstasy associated with childbirth.

The global competition, in partnership with Atkins Lab, was founded by award-winning birth photographer Lacey Barratt, 36, from MelbourneAustralia, in an attempt to legitimize the stunning and intricate art of birth photography.

The striking images show a selection of moments related to birth, including childbirth, postpartum, hardship and loss.

This year’s contest saw a record number of entries as photographers from around the world submitted their snaps to be considered for the prizes.

Photographers from around the world have captured wondrous images of women giving birth for the International Birth Photography Awards. Here Martha Lerner has captured a woman who gave birth by caesarean section

The best overall photo was awarded to Annemarie Fuckel from Germany.

Winners in other categories included: Brazil’s Paula Beltrao for Best in Birth; Jessica Innnemee from the Netherlands for ‘Best in Labour’; Mary Beliz from the US for ‘Best in Delivery’; US Natalie Borders for ‘Best in Postpartum’; and finally Ebony Ankins from Australia won ‘Best in Hardship and Loss’.

With nearly 1,000 entries from all over the world – including Brazil, Portugal, France, Germany, Australia and New Zealand – the judges had the difficult task of narrowing down the results.

The panel included reporters, doulas, previous contest winners, and other award-winning birth photographers.

For the second time since the start of the annual photo contest, the judges opened entries to a group of birth stories that relate to hardship and loss, in recognition of the one in four births that experience a miscarriage or infant loss.

Here, FEMAIL lists some of the stunning winning photos from this year’s contest…

In this photo, dubbed ‘I AM HERO’, Stephanie Entin captured a father-to-be hugging his pregnant partner

This image, called ‘MOMENTS BEFORE’ by Briana Koop, shows a couple shortly before the mother gives birth

This touching photo, titled “LOVERS AFTER,” shows two parents just after their baby is born, where the father cradles his newborn on his chest while the mother strokes his hair

This Rowan Steiner Photo Called ‘MIRACLES UNVEILED’ Was Taken Just As A Woman Is Giving Birth To Her Second Twin

This special image, which features an expectant mother sitting on her hospital bed at night, has been dubbed ‘LIGHT IN THE DARK’ by Renee Mason

The happy image, in which a mother sheds a single tear after giving birth, has been called ‘LEAKING JOY’ by Lindsey Bowns

Here veteran birth photographer Chinelle Rojas captured the moving image called ‘RELAX, SOFTEN, OPEN’

Click to see all winning photos here

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