‘Inspired by a car wash’: Researchers unveil quasi-universal label that’s virtually unhackable thanks to adhesive – terahertz anti-tamper label could help save billions of dollars in counterfeiting costs

Traditional RFID (radio frequency identification) tags, which are often used for product authentication, have several limitations, including size, cost, power requirements and security concerns.

Researchers at MIT have developed a revolutionary cryptographic ID tag that overcomes these hurdles and could help combat the multibillion-dollar problem of counterfeiting in the supply chain.

Dubbed the “tag of all,” this tiny, battery-free tag can authenticate virtually any product, making it a powerful tool against counterfeit parts and fraudulent goods.

Inspired by a car wash

The tag’s innovative design is partly inspired by a car wash. Researchers noted how the car wash used a fragile RFID tag to authenticate membership, which would be destroyed if tampered with. They took this concept further and focused on authenticating the item itself rather than the tag.

The team achieved this by mixing microscopic metal particles into the adhesive that attaches the label to the product. These particles create a unique pattern on the surface of the item, similar to a fingerprint, which can be detected using terahertz waves. If a counterfeiter tries to remove and reattach the tag, the pattern is destroyed, making the tag virtually unhackable.

This breakthrough technology also includes a machine learning model that can identify similar glue pattern fingerprints with over 99% accuracy, further enhancing its anti-counterfeiting capabilities.

It is small enough to fit virtually any product, from industrial components to medical devices, and operates at a low power level provided by photovoltaic diodes. Crucially, it offers robust security measures, including a popular cryptography scheme that ensures secure communications.

However, there are limitations. For an accurate measurement, the sensor of the tag should be within 4 cm, and the angle between the sensor and the tag should be less than 10 degrees. However, the researchers are optimistic about overcoming these challenges in future work.

Through TechXplore

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