Hundreds call out ‘infuriating’ public transport sign in Melbourne no one can decode: ‘I’m so confused’

A train replacement sign intended to direct the public to nearby bus stops has left locals in Melbourne confused.

The orange and white sign in the southeastern suburb of Clayton was installed to show travelers how to get to a bus to or from the city.

But instead, one arrow was upside down and a second overlapped, leaving passengers wondering which was the correct path.

Although the sign was meant to be helpful, no one could understand what it meant. Hundreds couldn’t help but laugh after an image of the sign was posted to Reddit.

Several people also mocked the fact that the bottom of the sign said ‘plan ahead’ using Public Transport Victoria’s website, which is what passersby will now have to do.

A sign in Victoria (pictured) left passersby scratching their heads after struggling to understand what it meant

Many tried to decode the sign and failed, while others cited the error as a regular occurrence in Melbourne.

“Oh good. Whichever bus you take will get you somewhere,” one Redditor commented.

“It’s always better to just guess than follow them,” said another.

‘Just Melbourne stuff,’ a third joked.

Someone else added: ‘It’s Melbourne. You practically live in a state of confusion.”

“With signs like that I would definitely plan ahead,” wrote another.

Another said: ‘I’m so tired of this city.’

Several people also mocked how the bottom of the sign said ‘plan ahead’ using the Public Transport Victoria website, which passers-by will be forced to do thanks to the ‘confusing’ directions (stock image)

Last week, another sign (pictured) placed at Bong Bong Common Park in Bowral, NSW Southern Highlands, has caused confusion among dog owners who branded it ‘stupid’.

Last week a council was criticized by locals after posting a confusing sign instructing visitors where they could take their dogs at a popular area park.

The sign was recently put up at Bong Bong Common Park in Bowral, NSW Southern Highlands, with dog owners labeling the instructions as ‘stupid’.

A photo of the sign uploaded to Facebook shows that on the left side there is a green arrow pointing left toward a grassy area of ​​the park, along with the message “Dogs Allowed.”

The other half of the sign that says “No Dogs” has a red arrow pointing to the adjacent parking lot.

A symbol of a dog circled in red with a line through it ensures that the instruction cannot be misunderstood.

Dozens of locals who responded to the Facebook post said the sign was not only confusing, but they also failed to understand why it was necessary or practical.

Many wondered how people’s dogs would be transported between permitted and prohibited zones.

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