Influencer angers residents by sneaking into luxury apartment building for photo shoots: 'She even brought clean clothes to the lobby'



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An Australian influencer has been accused of fabricating her trendy lifestyle by breaking into a luxury apartment building.

The social media personality apparently posts photos on Instagram implying she lives in the luxurious building, while her actual living situation is more modest.

According to a blind item published by Influencer updates AU On Tuesday the woman visits the block so regularly that her presence causes unrest among the residents.

“Every week she comes to my apartment building… and waits for someone to go out,” wrote an anonymous tipster.

“Then she sneaks in so she can pretend to 'walk out' for pictures. Last month she even brought a change of clothes to the lobby.

An Australian influencer has been accused of fabricating her trendy lifestyle by breaking into a luxury apartment building. Stock image

The tipster said the woman's creepy antics are now “starting to get on everyone's nerves.”

“I think it will be tabled at the next strata meeting,” they concluded, adding a laughing/crying emoji.

It's not uncommon for influencers to tell little white lies on social media, as living lavish lifestyles often brings them more followers, sponsorships and money.

According to a blind item published by Influencer Updates AU on Tuesday, the woman visits the block so regularly that her presence is causing unrest among residents

Influencer Updates AU encourages its followers to engage influencers who misbehave, but the administrator often posts the gossip without naming individuals.

Last year, the account published another blind item claiming a well-known influencer pretended to live in a mansion when in reality she lived in a standard triple bedroom in Sydney's west.

According to the post, the woman had shared images of a beautiful mansion with a grand entrance, elevator and swimming pool, even though she did not live there.

The blind item, which was submitted by the follower but left out the name of the influencer in question, read: '(Redacted) influencer from Sydney who takes photos like she lives in a mansion with a lift and a swimming pool, when in reality it's a small three-bedroom house to the west, across the road.'

Last year, Influencer Updates AU published another blind item claiming a well-known influencer pretended to live in a mansion, when in fact she lived in a standard triple bedroom in western Sydney.

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