India launches anti-dumping probe into imports of Chinese elevator guide rails

The Ministry of Finance has cited public interest and disagreements over the interpretation of the data as reasons for rejecting the Ministry of Commerce’s recommendations on antidumping duties and protective duties

India has launched an anti-dumping investigation into imports of Chinese elevator guide rails, following a complaint by a domestic player.

The levy is intended to protect domestic industries from cheap imports.

The investigation department of the Ministry of Commerce, Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), is investigating the alleged dumping of ‘T-shaped elevator guide rails and counterweight guide rails’ from China.

Savera India Riding Systems Company has filed an application to initiate an anti-dumping investigation into the import of this product from China.

The applicant has alleged that the domestic industry is suffering material injury due to the alleged dumped imports and has requested the imposition of anti-dumping duties.

“On the basis of the duly substantiated written request submitted by the domestic industry and after satisfaction has been obtained on the basis of the prima facie evidence submitted by the industry regarding dumping of the product… the Authority hereby initiates an anti-dumping investigation,” the DGTR said in a notification.

If it is determined that dumping has caused material injury to domestic players, the DGTR would recommend the imposition of anti-dumping duties on these imports. The Ministry of Finance will take the final decision to impose duties.

Countries conduct anti-dumping investigations to determine whether domestic industries are being harmed by an increase in cheap imports.

As a countermeasure, they impose these duties under the multilateral regime of the Geneva-based World Trade Organization (WTO). The duty is aimed at ensuring fair trade practices and creating a level playing field for domestic producers vis-à-vis foreign producers and exporters.

India has already imposed anti-dumping duties on several products to curb cheap imports from several countries, including China.

First print: 04 Jul 2024 | 12:34 PM IST

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