Improving cyber resilience to prevent devastating cyber attacks

The British air traffic control incident that led to the cancellation of more than 2,000 flights earlier this year was the result of a ‘one in 15 million event’ that caused systems to malfunction. While the incident ultimately turned out not to be the result of a malicious cyberattack, it did provide a glimpse into the large-scale disruption that can occur if Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) fails.

The 2023 National Risk Register estimated the chance of a cyber attack on CNI at between 5 and 25 percent, making it one of the most serious risks facing Britain today. Depending on its severity, a cyber attack can lead to significant economic losses or, in the most serious cases, fatalities. What is the price we are willing to pay to secure critical national infrastructure?

Improving cyber resilience to prevent you from suffering the consequences later